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TU Ya,ZHANG Chunsheng,BAI Cuilan.Association Rule Mining of Prescription Rules of Mongolian Medicine Heat Syndrome Based on Global and Drill-down Analysis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(15):1842-1848.
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图雅1, 张春生1, 白翠兰2
1.内蒙古民族大学计算机科学与技术学院, 内蒙古 通辽 028043;2.内蒙古民族大学蒙医药学院, 内蒙古 通辽 028043
目的 基于关联规则探讨蒙医热证方剂组方规律,挖掘关联规则、高频药物和辅助药物,为蒙药新药的研究与开发提供参考。方法 对《传统蒙药与方剂》中治疗热证的蒙医方剂进行数据预处理,录入自主开发的"蒙医方剂数据挖掘系统"的数据库中。应用基于精简二元矩阵的Apriori算法对治疗热证的蒙医方剂进行全局和下钻分析挖掘。结果 通过实验,得到在多种支持度和置信度情况下的全局和8个主治分类的频繁项集和关联规则。全局分析挖掘到至关重要的3味药物[竹黄]、[红花]、[栀子],而且[竹黄]和[红花]是治疗热证的关键。针对8个主治分类的方剂进行下钻分析挖掘,发现使热证方剂产生主治功能转移的辅助药物和辅助药物组。结论 蒙医热证方剂的关联规则挖掘发现全局关键药物和使主治发生转移的辅助药物,能够更好地指导科研人员进行新药的研究与开发。
关键词:  蒙医热证  组方规律  关联规则  全局分析  下钻分析
Association Rule Mining of Prescription Rules of Mongolian Medicine Heat Syndrome Based on Global and Drill-down Analysis
TU Ya1, ZHANG Chunsheng1, BAI Cuilan2
1.Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, College of Computer Science and Technology, Tongliao 028043, China;2.Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, College of Mongolian Medicine and Pharmacy, Tongliao 028043, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the prescription rules of Mongolian medicine for the treating of heat syndrome based on association rules, to mine association rules, high frequency drugs and auxiliary drugs, and to provide reference for research and development of new Mongolian medicines. METHODS Data preprocessing was performed on Mongolian medicine prescriptions for the treatment of heat syndrome in Traditional Mongolian Medicines and Prescriptions and entered into the database of self-developed "Mongolian Medicine Prescription Data Mining System". The Apriori algorithm based on the reduced binary matrix was used to conduct global and drill-down analysis data mining for the Mongolian medicine prescriptions for the treatment of heat syndrome. RESULTS The frequent itemsets and association rules of global and 8 indication classifications under various support and confidence levels were obtained by the experiments. The 3 vital drugs[Herb of Tabasheer],[Carthami Flos], and[Gardeniae Fructus] were obtained from the global data mining, and then[Herb of Tabasheer] and[Carthami Flos] were the keys to the treatment of heat syndrome. The auxiliary drugs and drug groups that make the indication shift were found from the drill-down analysis data mining for the 8 indication classifications. CONCLUSION Discovered the global vital drugs and the auxiliary drugs that make the indication shift by association rule mining of Mongolian medicine heat syndrome prescriptions can better guide the researchers in the research and development of new medicine.
Key words:  Mongolian medicine heat syndrome  prescription rules  association rules  global analysis  drill-down analysis