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DU Lingling,CHANG Xin,SANG Xufeng,CUI Huifang,CAI Wei.Evaluation of Twenty-seven Mineral Elements in Rubus Chingii Hu from Different Growing Areas[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(16):2112-2119.
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杜玲玲1, 常欣2, 桑旭峰2, 崔慧芳2, 蔡伟3
1.浙江药科职业大学 药学院, 浙江 宁波 315500;2.宁波市药品检验所, 浙江 宁波 315400;3.浙江药科职业大学 中药学院, 浙江 宁波 315500
目的 评价不同产地覆盆子中27种矿质元素。方法 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法进行含量测定,采用SPSS软件,通过聚类分析、主成分分析、相关性分析进行综合评价。结果 所测27种元素都有检出,所有样品中均检出25种元素,其中K、Mg、Ca、Al、Fe、Mn平均含有量较高,所有样品中有害元素含有量均符合中国药典限量标准。并建立了覆盆子矿质元素的指纹图谱。聚类分析表明各地区之间矿质元素含量并没有显著的差异。主成分分析结果显示,共3个主成分分析,其累计方差贡献率达76.0%。第一主成分的方差贡献率为33.2%,其中Ca、Mn、Zn、Mg、K、Fe有较高的载荷值,为覆盆子的特征元素。结论 该方法准确稳定,重复性好,为覆盆子质量评价、药效物质基础研究与资源开发利用提供理论依据。
关键词:  覆盆子  矿质元素  指纹图谱  电感耦合等离子体质谱  主成分分析  聚类分析
Evaluation of Twenty-seven Mineral Elements in Rubus Chingii Hu from Different Growing Areas
DU Lingling1, CHANG Xin2, SANG Xufeng2, CUI Huifang2, CAI Wei3
1.Department of Pharmacy, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University, Ningbo 315500, China;2.Ningbo Institute of Drug Control, Ningbo 315400, China;3.Department of Chinese Materia Medica, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University, Ningbo 315500, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate twenty-seven mineral elements in Rubus chingii Hu of different regions.METHODS The content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.SPSS software was used to conduct comprehensive evaluation through cluster analysis,main component analysis and correlation analysis.RESULTS The 27 elements tested were detected,and 25 elements were detected in all samples,including the average content of K,Mg,Ca,Al,Fe,Mn was high,and the harmful elements in all samples met the limit standard of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.A fingerprint map of the Rubus chingii Hu mineral elements was also established.Clustering analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the mineral element content between the regions.The main component analysis results showed a total of 3 main components analysis,with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 76.0%.The variance contribution of the first main component was 33.2%,where the Ca,Mn,Zn,Mg,K,Fe has a higher load value,a characteristic element of the Rubus chingii Hu.CONCLUSION The method is accurate and repetitive,which provides theoretical basis for Rubus chingii Hu quality evaluation,basic research and resource development and utilization.
Key words:  Rubus chingii Hu  mineral elements  fingerprint spectrum  ICP-MS  principal component analysis  cluster analysis