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He Jianqiao,Li Shuo,TIan Yihong,Li Yuefeng,Chen Hui,Yang Zhijun,Yang Xiujuan.Study on color and odor change and material basis of Gansu Ginger, Dried Ginger and Gunginger[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2025,42(2):31-30.
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何建桥, 李硕, 田一虹, 李越峰, 陈晖, 杨志军, 杨秀娟
目的:对甘肃生姜及其炮制品(干姜、炮姜)的色泽和气味进行量化表征,并采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)测定其挥发性成分。方法:采用色度仪、PEN3电子鼻系统及GC-MS通过主成分分析(PCA)、载荷(Loadings)分析、判别分析、偏最小二乘法分析、皮尔逊相关分析法对甘肃生姜、干姜、炮姜进行色度、气味分析,对获得的特征数据进行处理和分析。结果:基于色度值L*、a*、b*的判别分析结果表明,生姜、干姜、炮姜色泽外观区分明显,整体呈变暗、变红、变蓝的趋势。气味响应分析结果表明,生姜及其炮制品中均以硫化物类的响应值最高,其次为氮氧化合物。生姜共测得32种挥发性成分,干姜22种、炮姜20种,并与气味响应值进行皮尔逊相关分析,发现生姜经高温烘干成干姜后,其所含的长链烷烃类加热后分解为短链烷烃类,且硫化物类成分增多。干姜经砂烫成炮姜后,作为更加稳定的苯类成分及芳香胺类成分在炮姜中增多。结论:通过电子眼、电子鼻及GC-MS对甘肃生姜、干姜、炮姜炮制过程中色泽、气味及化学成分变化进行研究,为中药的鉴定与质量评价提供参考依据。
关键词:  甘肃生姜  干姜  炮姜  色度  气味  GC-MS  挥发性成分
Study on color and odor change and material basis of Gansu Ginger, Dried Ginger and Gunginger
He Jianqiao, Li Shuo, TIan Yihong, Li Yuefeng, Chen Hui, Yang Zhijun, Yang Xiujuan
Objective: To quantitatively characterize the color and odor of Gansu ginger and its gun-derived products (dried ginger and gun-derived ginger), and determine their volatile compounds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Methods: Colorimeter, PEN3 electronic nose system and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to analyze the colorimetry and odor of ginger, ginger and ginger in Gansu province by principal component analysis (PCA), Loadings analysis, discriminant analysis, partial least square analysis and Pearson correlation analysis, and the obtained characteristic data were processed and analyzed. Results: Based on the discriminant analysis of color value L*, a*, b*, the color and appearance of ginger, dried ginger and ginger were obviously distinguished, and the whole showed a trend of darkening, red and blue. In the analysis of odor response, sulfur compounds had the highest response value, followed by nitrogen and oxygen compounds. GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) spectrometry identified 44 volatile compounds from ginger, 30 volatile compounds from dried ginger, and 27 volatile compounds from canned ginger. Gray correlation analysis was conducted with odor response values and it was found that after high-temperature drying and processing, The long-chain alkanes in ginger were decomposed into short-chain alkanes after heating, and the sulfur compounds increased. In the process of processing dried ginger from sand-ironing, as more stable benzene and para-aromatic amine components, the proportion of dried ginger in ginger was higher. Conclusion: The changes of color, odor and chemical composition of Gansu ginger, dried ginger and ginger were studied by electronic nose, electronic eye and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, which provided reference for identification and quality evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine.
Key words:  Gansu ginger  Dried ginger  Ginger  Chroma  Smell  GC-MS  Volatile component