摘要: |
目的:通过住院药房移动工作站的功能设计和应用实践,评估系统应用效益,为住院药房实现智慧药学服务提供参考。方法:通过介绍住院药房移动工作站系统设计思路、系统结构和功能等情况,选取该系统运行前后三甲医院住院第一药房产生的真实数据为研究对象,对各评价指标应用效果进行分析。结果:住院药房移动工作站运行后,工作流程更加精细化,调配差错率由0.82‰降至0.02‰,冲减退药数量占总退药数量的58.39%,每日节省人力资源2.39人次,平均每月节约成本406.67元,护士取药等待时间缩减为0,工作量绩效考核更全面,护士和药师各个维度的满意度均有显著提升。结论:住院药房移动工作站的运行能够细化住院药房工作流程、减少调配差错率、提高药护整体工作效率,促进了临床安全用药,为药品闭环智能化管理提供了思路。 |
关键词: 住院药房 移动工作站 退药冲减 模块 工作效率 |
DOI: |
分类号:R952?????? |
基金项目:河南省医学科技攻关计划项目(LHGJ20220072) |
Design and application of mobile workstation in hospital pharmacy: Based on Android Studio development environment |
1.Henan Provincial People&2.#39;3.&4.s Hospital
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE Through the function design and application practice of mobile workstation in hospital pharmacy, the application benefit of the system is evaluated, which provides reference for the realization of intelligent pharmaceutical service in hospital pharmacy. METHODS This paper introduces the design idea, system structure and function of mobile workstation system in inpatient pharmacy, and selects the real data produced by the first inpatient pharmacy in three first-class hospitals before and after the operation of the system as the research object, the application effect of each evaluation index was analyzed. RESULTS ?After running the mobile workstation in the hospital pharmacy, the workflow became more refined, the error rate decreased from 0.82‰ to 0.02‰ , and the amount of drug withdrawal accounted for 58.39% of the total amount of drug withdrawal. The daily human resource was saved by 2.39 person-times, the average cost was saved 406.67 yuan per month, the waiting time was reduced to 0, the workload performance evaluation was more comprehensive, and the satisfaction degree of nurses and pharmacists was significantly improved. CONCLUSION The design and application of mobile workstation in hospital pharmacy can refine the work flow of hospital pharmacy, reduce the error rate of dispensing, improve the overall working efficiency of pharmacy and nursing, and promote the safe use of drugs in clinic, it provides a train of thought for drug closed-loop intelligent management. |
Key words: hospital pharmacy mobile workstation reduction of drug withdrawal module work efficiency |