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YUE Zhihua,WANG Zhijun,CHENG Qilei,YUE Ruiqi,LI Huiyi.Updates and Revisions of the Specifications of Chemical Drugs in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(5):527-530.
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岳志华, 王志军, 程奇蕾, 岳瑞齐, 李慧义
国家药典委员会, 北京 100061
目的 介绍中国药典2020年版化学药品标准主要增修订情况,使读者更好地理解和执行中国药典2020年版。方法 从中国药典2020年版化学药的品种遴选、通用名规范及正文品种标准增修订情况等方面进行介绍,并相应举例说明。结果 中国药典2020年版化学药标准制定更加严谨,品种遴选更加合理,与国际标准更加协调,标准形成机制更加科学。结论 中国药典2020年版将为促进化学药品质量提升、保障公众用药安全有效发挥积极作用。
关键词:  中国药典2020年版  化学药品标准增修订  药品标准提高
Updates and Revisions of the Specifications of Chemical Drugs in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition
YUE Zhihua, WANG Zhijun, CHENG Qilei, YUE Ruiqi, LI Huiyi
Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission, Beijing 100061, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the major updates and revisions of the specifications of chemical drugs in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition(ChP 2020), and help the readers to understand and implement the ChP 2020. METHODS To give an introduction of the selection of the chemical drug monograph, standardization of drug generic names and mainly revisions of the specifications of chemical drugs, a numerical example was also given to illustrate the revisions. RESULTS The ChP 2020 had developed more rigorous standards for chemical drugs, variety selection was more reasonable, it had a better coordination with international drug standards, and the standard formation mechanism was more scientific. CONCLUSION ChP 2020 will play an important role on strengthening the quality and ensure the safety and effectiveness of public medication of the chemical drugs.
Key words:  Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition  updates and revisions of the specifications of chemical drug  drug specifications improving