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SHEN Hong,SUN Han,HE Kai-lun,LI Jue.Study on the Related Factors of Microbial Contamination in 10 Kinds of Chinese Materia Medica Decoction Pieces[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(10):1317-1321.
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沈泓, 孙晗, 何凯伦, 李珏
浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 杭州 310052
目的 探究中药饮片的品种、药用部位和炮制方法与微生物污染之间的关系。方法 依照中国药典方法进行需氧菌总数计数、霉菌和酵母菌总数计数,采用SNK检验进行数据分析。采用生化分析及ABI3500基因测序对中药饮片中的嗜热菌进行鉴定分析。结果 需氧菌总数、霉菌和酵母菌总数的lg值分析显示,中药饮片的不同品种、不同药用部位和不同炮制方法之间存在显著性差异,分别以芫花、合欢皮品种,花类药用部位,净制的炮制方法染菌程度最大。中药饮片100℃水浴30 min后基本能够去除耐热菌微生物,但麦冬与芫花中仍能鉴定出嗜热菌。结论 中药饮片的品种、药用部位和炮制方法的差异与微生物污染紧密相关。麦冬与芫花经过煎煮,依然不能完全杀灭嗜热菌。
关键词:  中药饮片  需氧菌总数计数  霉菌和酵母菌总数计数  SNK检验  耐热菌
Study on the Related Factors of Microbial Contamination in 10 Kinds of Chinese Materia Medica Decoction Pieces
SHEN Hong, SUN Han, HE Kai-lun, LI Jue
Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310052, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the relationship between microbial contamination and varieties, medicinal parts and processing methods of Chinese herbal decoction pieces.METHODS Total aerobic count, total mold and yeast count were carried out according to the method of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. SNK test was used to analyze the data. Biochemical analysis and ABI 3500 gene sequencing were used to identify thermophilic bacteria in Chinese herbal pieces.RESULTS The analysis of lg values of aerobic bacteria counts, mold and yeast count showed that there were significant differences among different varieties, different medicinal parts and different processing methods of Chinese meteria medica decoction pieces. The varieties of Genkwa Flos and Albiziae Cortex, the medicinal parts of flowers, the processing method of net processing showed the greatest bacterial contamination. After 30 min of 100℃ water bath, the thermophilic bacteria could be basically removed from the Chinese meteria medica decoction pieces, but thermophilic bacteria could still be identified from Ophiopogonis Radix and Genkwa Flos.CONCLUSION The differences of varieties, medicinal parts and processing methods of Chinese materia medica decoction pieces are closely related to microbial contamination. After decocting, Ophiopogonis Radix and Genkwa Flos still can not completely kill thermophilic bacteria.
Key words:  Chinese materia medica decoction pieces  total aerobic bacteria count  total fungi and yeasts count  SNK test  thermophilic bacterial