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REN Jin,FANG Zhengjie,YIN Xiaoxing,TANG Daoquan.Quality Evaluation of Quercrtin Proliposomes[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(1):39-42.
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任瑾1, 方正杰2, 印晓星1, 汤道权1
1.徐州医学院药学院,江苏 徐州221004;2.徐州市产品质量监督检验所食品及农产品检验中心,江苏 徐州 221000
目的 制备液体型槲皮素前体脂质体,并对制剂质量进行考察。方法 采用一种新型前体脂质体制备方法制备液体型槲皮素前体脂质体,将脂质体膜材和药物等以一定比例溶于分散介质中,形成一种无水的澄明溶液。考察其水合后粒子形态、粒径、电位、包封率及自组装速度等理化性质,并评价其体外释药性质。结果 槲皮素前体脂质体遇水即可快速自组装成纳米级含药脂质体混悬液,水合后形态多为类球形,平均粒径为228.7 nm,Zeta电位为-21.2 mV,包封率可达90%以上,体外释药符合Higuchi方程。结论 槲皮素口服前体脂质体制备工艺简单可行,包封率高,具有一定的缓释效果。
关键词:  槲皮素  前体脂质体  体外释放
Quality Evaluation of Quercrtin Proliposomes
REN Jin1, FANG Zhengjie2, YIN Xiaoxing1, TANG Daoquan1
1.Department of Pharmacy, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221004, China;2.Department of Food and Agriculture Products Inspection, Xuzhou Production Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Xuzhou 221000, China
OBJECTIVE To prepare liquid quercetin proliposomes and investigate their pharmaceutical characteristics in vitro. METHODS A new kind of proliposome preparation method was used to prepare quercetin liquid proliposomes. The liposome membrane material and drug was dissolved in the dispersion medium according to a certain proportion, forming an anhydrous transparent solution and then the properties of the liposomes including the shape, the size, the zeta potential, the entrapment efficiency and the self-assemble rate in vitro were studied after the proliposomes were changed into the liposomes. Furthermore, the in vitro release of quercetin from proliposmes was investigated. RESULTS Quercetin oral proliposomes could self-assemble into nanoscale liposome suspension rapidly in water. Liposomes showed spherical morphology. The average size of particle was 228.7 nm and the Zeta potential was -21.2 mV. The entrapment efficiency was up to 90%. The in vitro release could be characterized by Higuchi equation. CONCLUSION The method for quercetin oral proliposomes preparation is simple and feasible. The entrapment efficiency of proliposome is high with good stability and the drug can be sustained released from the liposomes.
Key words:  quercetin  proliposmes  in vitro release