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SHENG Ping,TANG Daiping,MIAO Lijuan,ZHAN Yujiao,SUN Yun,WANG Yanjiao,WANG Guoping.GC-MS Fingerprints of Essential Oils of Ferula Ferulaeoides from Different Habitats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(1):30-37.
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盛萍1,2, 唐代萍1, 苗莉娟1, 詹羽姣1, 孙芸1,2, 王延蛟1, 王果平1
1.新疆名医名方与特色方剂学重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830011;2.新疆医科大学中医学院,乌鲁木齐 830011
目的 建立多伞阿魏药材的GC-MS指纹图谱。方法 采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取8个产地44份多伞阿魏挥发油,通过GC-MS分析其成分。运用中药色谱指纹图谱相似度建立共有模式,以2种方法计算相似度评价图谱的相似性,同时利用聚类分析法和主成分分析法分析结果。结果 建立了多伞阿魏挥发油GC-MS指纹图谱分析方法;对44份多伞阿魏挥发油样品进行了分析,确立了12个共有峰。GC-MS指纹图谱的相似度>0.90的有37个。44份多伞阿魏药材的挥发油可通过系统聚类归为2类,该结果与指纹图谱的相似度分析结果非常相似,不同产地多伞阿魏药材的挥发油相似度较高。主成分分析表明愈创木醇在多伞阿魏挥发油的质量控制中起着比较重要的作用。结论 该方法简便、准确、重现性好,可用于多伞阿魏药材的质量综合评价。
关键词:  多伞阿魏  挥发油  气相质谱分析  指纹图谱
GC-MS Fingerprints of Essential Oils of Ferula Ferulaeoides from Different Habitats
SHENG Ping1,2, TANG Daiping1, MIAO Lijuan1, ZHAN Yujiao1, SUN Yun1,2, WANG Yanjiao1, WANG Guoping1
1.Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Famous Prescription and Science of Formulas, Urumqi 830011, China;2.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China
OBJECTIVE To establish GC-MS fingerprints of essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides for assessment and quality control of Ferula ferulaeoides. METHODS The essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides from 8 habitats were extracted by steam distillation method and their chemical constituents were analyzed by GC-MS. Similarity evaluation system for chromatographic fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine (Version 2004 A) published by the State Pharmacopeia Committee of China was employed for the representative standard fingerprint, and the similarity of each chromatogram of essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides from different habitats was also calculated by the two methods. Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to investigating the test data. RESULTS The method on GC-MS fingerprints of essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides was established and the GC-MS fingerprinting of essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides, showing 12 characteristic peaks. The similarity of the GC-MS fingerprints from the 37 samples was over 0.90 and 44 samples were classified into two group. The classification result according to the similarity was consistent with the hierarchical cluster analysis, and the principal component analysis result showed that content of Guaiol was the most effective index in GC-MS fingerprinting of essential oils of Ferula ferulaeoides. CONCLUSION The method of GC-MS fingerprinting is simple, accurate with good reproducibility and can be used for the comprehensive quality evaluation of Ferula ferulaeoides.
Key words:  Ferula ferulaeoides(Steud.) Korov.  volatile oil  GC-MS analysis  chromatographic fingerprin