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YAO Dezhong,MIN Hui,HE Houhong,CHEN Lin,QIAO Hongxiang,YE Jianfeng.Determination and Comparison of Total Alkaloids Content of Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus from Different Habitats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(10):1249-1251.
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姚德中1, 闵会2, 何厚洪2, 陈琳2, 乔洪翔2, 叶剑锋1
1.浙江康恩贝制药股份有限公司,杭州 310052;2.浙江康恩贝药品研究开发有限公司,杭州 310052
目的 建立浙贝母总生物碱含量测定方法,比较不同产区浙贝母总生物碱含量。方法 采用酸性染料比色法测定总生物碱含量,以贝母素甲为对照品,采用紫外分光光度计测定。结果 浙贝母总生物碱在0.059 2~0.295 9 mg·mL-1内线性关系良好,其回收率(97.74%)、精密度(RSD=2.05%)、重复性(RSD=3.22%)结果良好。对不同产地浙贝母总生物碱含量进行测定结果表明,磐安(0.53%)、缙云(0.52%)、象山(0.52%)产区浙贝母总生物碱含量较高,东阳(0.44%)居中,鄞州(0.41%)、舟山(0.38%)产区浙贝母总生物碱含量则低于其他产区。结论 不同产地浙贝母总生物碱含量存在差异,磐安、缙云、象山产区的含量较高。
关键词:  浙贝母  总生物碱  酸性染料比色法  不同产地  紫外分光光度法
Determination and Comparison of Total Alkaloids Content of Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus from Different Habitats
YAO Dezhong1, MIN Hui2, HE Houhong2, CHEN Lin2, QIAO Hongxiang2, YE Jianfeng1
1.Zhejiang Conba Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310052, China;2.Zhejiang Conba Drug Discovery & Development Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310052, China
OBJECTIVE To establish a UV method to determine the content of total alkaloids of Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus and compare its difference from different habitats. METHODS Acid dye colorimetry was applied to determine by using UV spectrophotometry with peimine as control. RESULTS Total alkaloids had a good linear relationship in 0.059 2-0.295 9 mg·mL-1. Its accuracy (97.74%), reproducibility(RSD=2.05%), precision(RSD=3.22%) showed a good repeatability. The total alkaloids content of Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus from different habitats were Panan 0.53%, Jinyun 0.52%, Xiangshan 0.52%, Dongyang 0.44%, Yinzhou 0.41%, Zhoushan 0.38%. CONCLUSION The content of total alkaloids of Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus from different habitats is different, and the content is much higher in Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus from Panan, Jinyun and Xiangshan than other habitats.
Key words:  Fritiliariae Thunbergh Bulbus  total alkaloids  acid dye colorimetry  different habitats  UV spectrophotometry