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ZHAO Honghong,YAN Keli,LIU Huanrong.Effects of Oxidation Induced by UV Lamps and Sunlight on Compositions of Volatile Oil from Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(7):809-813.
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赵红红1, 阎克里2, 刘焕蓉1
1.山西大学化学化工学院,太原 030006;2.山西省肿瘤研究所,太原 030013
目的 优选白术挥发油(volatile oil from Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,VOA)最佳氧化分解条件,阐明紫外灯和太阳光氧化对VOA化学成分的影响。方法 采用超临界CO2萃取安徽产VOA,将其分别置于254 nm/8 W,365 nm/8 W和254 nm/30 W紫外灯下进行光照氧化,HPLC跟踪检测苍术酮含量变化,以此筛选最佳氧化分解条件;采用GC-MS联用技术分析紫外灯光照对VOA化学成分及相对含量的影响,并与太阳光照氧化分解产物进行比较。结果 VOA中苍术酮氧化分解速率为:254 nm/30 W>254 nm/8 W>365 nm/8 W。紫外灯和太阳光照氧化分解条件下,VOA中消失、新增及含量变化的化学成分有差异,但总体变化趋势相一致,即随着苍术酮和γ-榄香烯的氧化分解,Isovelleral、β-桉叶醇、广木香内酯、白术内酯Ⅰ和白术内酯Ⅲ 5种主要成分的含量显著增加。太阳光照氧化分解后Isovelleral和β-桉叶醇的含量较高,而紫外光照氧化分解后内酯成分的含量较高。结论 将VOA置于254 nm/30 W的紫外灯下光照氧化是解决挥发油稳定性问题的良好途径,但从制药规模考虑,太阳光照氧化的成本更加低廉。
关键词:  白术挥发油  紫外灯  太阳光  氧化分解  稳定性  成分分析
Effects of Oxidation Induced by UV Lamps and Sunlight on Compositions of Volatile Oil from Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma
ZHAO Honghong1, YAN Keli2, LIU Huanrong1
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China;2.Shanxi Provincial Tumor Hospital, Taiyuan 030013, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize the best oxidative decomposition condition of the volatile oil from Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma(VOA), and clarify the effects of oxidation induced by UV lamps and sunlight on compositions of volatile oil. METHODS The VOA produced in Anhui was extracted by supercritical CO2 extraction technique, and then separately treated with irradiation oxidation under UV lamps of 254 nm/8 W, 365 nm/8 W and 254 nm/30 W. The optimal oxidative decomposition condition was selected through monitoring the change of atractylon content by HPLC. The effects of UV lamp irradiation on compositions of VOA and their relative contents were analyzed by GC-MS and the compared with decomposition product through sunlight oxidation. RESULTS The decomposition rate of atractylon in descending order was 254 nm/30 W>254 nm/8 W>365 nm/8 W. The disappeared, newly appeared and content changed chemical compositions under the conditions of UV and sunlight irradiation were varied, but the overall change trends were consistent. As the oxidative decomposition of atractylon and γ-elemene, the contents of five anti-tumor components including isovelleral, β-eudesmol, costunolide, atractylenolide Ⅰ and atractylenolide Ⅲ significantly increased. The contents of isovelleral and β-eudesmol were higher after oxidated by sunlight, while the contents of compositions of lactone class were higher after oxidated by UV lamps. CONCLUSION It is a good method to solve the stability of VOA by oxidating under 254 nm/30 W UV lamp. However, the cost of oxidation induced by sunlight is lower if considering pharmaceutical scale.
Key words:  volatile oil from Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma  UV lamps  sunlight  oxidative decomposition  stability  component analysis