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GAO Xia,ZHANG Pei,QIANG Sisi,HU Linhai,HU Fangdi,LI Yingdong.Study on New Process of the Root of Codonopsis Pilosula Nannf. var. modesta (Nannf.) L. T. Shen with Honey[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(5):562-568.
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高霞1, 张培1, 强思思1, 胡林海2, 胡芳弟1, 李应东3
1.兰州大学药学院,兰州 730000;2.嘉峪关市第一人民医院,甘肃 嘉峪关 735100;3.甘肃中医药大学,兰州 730000
目的 优选最佳蜜炙纹党炮制工艺。方法 用炼蜜将鲜纹党片闷润后微波干燥2 min,置烘箱70~120?℃干燥,制得6个饮片(S1~S6);用生蜂蜜将鲜纹党片闷润后炒制,制得饮片S7;采用传统蜜炙工艺制得饮片S8。测定8个样品中醇浸物、水浸物、总黄酮、党参多糖、党参炔苷和苍术内酯Ⅲ的含量。分析不同加工方法制得的纹党饮片双波长指纹图谱中共有峰峰面积与称样量(g)的比值,相对于传统蜜炙工艺的变化率来比较各工艺的优劣。结果 饮片S5的醇浸物(58.06%)、总黄酮(2.22 mg·g-1)、多糖(38.60%)、党参炔苷(1.07 mg·g-1)的含量均高于其他工艺,在267,320 nm下高效液相色谱(HPLC)指纹图谱中22个共有峰峰面积与称样量的比值相对于传统蜜炙工艺的变化率最高为19.39%。结论 优选的工艺为采用炼蜜将鲜纹党片闷润后微波干燥2 min后置烘箱110 ℃干燥。
关键词:  鲜纹党  蜜炙  炮制工艺  双波长指纹图谱
Study on New Process of the Root of Codonopsis Pilosula Nannf. var. modesta (Nannf.) L. T. Shen with Honey
GAO Xia1, ZHANG Pei1, QIANG Sisi1, HU Linhai2, HU Fangdi1, LI Yingdong3
1.School of Pharmacy, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Jiayuguan First People’s Hospital, Jiayuguan 735100, China;3.Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize processing technology of the root of Codonopsis pilosula (WPP) with honey-fried. METHODS The decoction pieces of fresh WPP were moistened by refined honey and dried 2 min in microwave, and then dried under different temperatures (70-120 ℃) to obtain six honey decoction pieces of WPP (S1-S6). The decoction pieces of fresh WPP were moistened by raw honey and stir-fried to obtain honey decoction pieces of WPP (S7). S8 was prepared by traditional honey-fried processing technology. The contents of alcoholic and aqueous extracts, total flavonoids, polysaccharide, lobetyolin and atractylenolide III were determined. The ratio of common peaks area/sample weight(g) of the decoction pieces of WPP with different processing techniques in dual-wavelength chromatographic fingerprints was analyzed. The difference of each process was reflected by the ratio of common peaks area/sample weight(g) over traditional honey-fried processing technology. RESULTS The content of alcoholic extracts (58.06%), total flavonoids (2.22 mg·g-1), polysaccharide (38.60%) and lobetyolin (1.07 mg·g-1) in S5 pieces were higher than other decoction pieces. The ratio of twenty-two common peaks area in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprints at 267 and 320 nm/sample weight (g) of S5 over traditional honey processing was highest (19.39%). CONCLUSION The optimized process is that fresh WPP pieces moisten by refined honey and dried 2 min used microwave, and then dried at 110?℃ in oven.
Key words:  the root of Codonopsis pilosula Nannf. var. modesta (Nannf.) L. T. Shen  honey-fried  processing technology  dual-wavelength chromatographic fingerprints