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ZHANG Xia,ZHANG Guolong.Structure Determination and Conformational Analysis of Tofacitinib[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(5):542-544.
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张霞, 章国龙
华东医药集团新药研究院有限公司, 杭州 310011
目的 鉴定合成的托法替尼的化学结构,并对其构象进行分析。方法 用DMSO-d6作溶剂,通过测试该合成样品的1H-NMR、1H-NMR(DMSO-d6+D2O)、13C-NMR(包括常温、高温60℃、高温120℃的图谱)、1H-1H COSY、DEPT、HSQC、HMBC图谱及其关键中间体的常温13C-NMR图谱,参照文献与专著,鉴定合成的托法替尼的化学结构,并分析其构象。结果 确证了合成的托法替尼的化学结构。其常温13C-NMR图谱中,大多数信号出现裂分,升温到120℃,裂分信号合并,推导在常温下,因为围绕酰胺键的旋转受阻,托法替尼在DMSO-d6溶液中以2种构象存在。结论 合成的托法替尼结构正确,且常温下在DMSO-d6溶液中以2种构象存在。
关键词:  托法替尼  构象  核磁共振  关键中间体  受阻旋转
Structure Determination and Conformational Analysis of Tofacitinib
ZHANG Xia, ZHANG Guolong
Huadong Medicine Group Pharmaceutical Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310011, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the structure and conformation of synthesized Tofacitinib. METHODS The 1H-NMR,1H-NMR(DMSO-d6+D2O),13C-NMR(at room and elevated temperature of 60 and 120℃), 1H-1H COSY, DEPT, HSQC, HMBC spectra of Tofacitinib and 13C-NMR of its key intermediate at room temperature were recorded in DMSO-d6. Based on the related literature, monograph and the 13C-NMR comparison of Tofacitinib and its key intermediate, the structure and conformation analysis of synthesized Tofacitinib in DMSO-d6 were carried out. RESULTS The structure of synthesized Tofacitinib was determined on the basis of these spectral data. Most of the signals of Tofacitinib in 13C-NMR spectrum at room temperature were split while these split signals were merged when the temperature was increased to 120℃. It maight have two conformations in DMSO-d6 at room temperature due to the restricted rotation about the carbon-nitrogen bond of the amide group. CONCLUSION The structure of synthesized Tofacitinib is confirmed and it may have two conformations in DMSO-d6 at room temperature.
Key words:  Tofacitinib  conformation  nuclear magnetic resonance  key intermediate  restricted rotation