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CHEN Shengjie,DAI Lanfen,LI Dandan,WANG Le,LI Chengling.Cost-minimization Analysis of Interferon-α1b Combined with Oseltamivir in Treating Pneumonia Caused by Influenza Virus in Children[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(8):970-973.
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陈圣洁, 戴兰芬, 李丹丹, 王乐, 李成玲
河北省儿童医院, 石家庄 050031
目的 比较重组人干扰素α1b雾化吸入以及联合磷酸奥司他韦颗粒治疗小儿流感病毒肺炎的效果和成本。方法 回顾性研究2015年12月-2017年3月住院的193例发病>48 h的流感病毒肺炎患儿,将其分成2组:重组人干扰素α1b雾化组(干扰素组)74例,重组人干扰素α1b雾化联合磷酸奥司他韦颗粒组(联用组)119例。从医疗机构角度出发,收集效果和成本数据,并对其进行药物经济学评价。结果 联用组咳嗽咳痰消失时间、肺部啰音消失时间和住院天数上均短于干扰素组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但2组的总有效率均为100%,住院期间均未发现不良反应,所以本研究采用最小成本法评价2组的经济性,结果对于甲型、甲乙混合型流感病毒肺炎,干扰素组平均医疗总成本略低于联用组;对于乙型流感病毒肺炎,联用组治疗的平均医疗总成本略低于干扰素组。结论 重组人干扰素α1b雾化吸入治疗小儿甲型、甲乙混合型流感病毒肺炎更经济;重组人干扰素α1b雾化吸入联合磷酸奥司他韦颗粒治疗小儿乙型流感病毒肺炎更经济。
关键词:  流感病毒肺炎  儿童  重组人干扰素α1b  奥司他韦  最小成本分析
Cost-minimization Analysis of Interferon-α1b Combined with Oseltamivir in Treating Pneumonia Caused by Influenza Virus in Children
CHEN Shengjie, DAI Lanfen, LI Dandan, WANG Le, LI Chengling
Children's Hospital of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interferon-α1b(IFN-α1b) atomization combined with oseltamivir in treating pneumonia caused by influenza virus in children. METHODS In retrospective study, 193 children with influenza virus pneumonia for more than 48 h from December 2015 to May 2017 were selected and divided into two 2 groups:74 children in IFN-α1b group(IFN group) and 119 in IFN-α1b combined with oseltamivir group(combination group). From health care system's perspective, clinical and cost data were collected for pharmacoeconomic analyses. RESULTS The cough disappearing time, pulmonary rales disappearing time and average hospital stay of combination group were obviously shorter than those of IFN group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). As the effective rate of two groups was all 100% and no drug adverse reaction were found in the hospital, cost-minimization analysis was adopted for economic evaluation. Medical costs was lower in IFN group for influenza A, A and B mixed virus pneumonia but it was lower in combination group for influenza B virus pneumonia. CONCLUSION IFN-α1b atomization is more economical for children with influenza A, A and B mixed virus pneumonia. IFN-α1b atomization combined with oseltamivir is more economical for children with influenza B virus pneumonia.
Key words:  influenza virus pneumonia  children  interferon-α1b  oseltamivir  cost-minimization analysis