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QIU Lin,ZHAO Yi,YUAN Hong,XU Hong,HU Fuqiang,LIN Jun,ZHANG Xinmei.Evaluation of the Release Rate of Gossypol Acetate from a Gossypol-Loaded Intrauterine Device in Mice[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(1):63-66.
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裘琳1,2, 赵轶1, 袁弘3, 许泓1, 胡富强3, 林俊1, 张信美1
1.浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院,杭州 310006;2.3.杭州师范大学附属医院,杭州 310015;3.2.浙江大学药学院药物制剂研究所,杭州 310058
目的 探索醋酸棉酚宫内给药装置在小鼠体内的药动学特征。方法 将醋酸棉酚宫内给药装置放入小鼠子宫内,用HPLC测定血浆中药物浓度。结果 醋酸棉酚宫内给药装置放入小鼠子宫中,体内血药浓度在48 h达到高峰(0.30 μg·L-1),随后呈现恒速释放的特征。结论 醋酸棉酚宫内给药装置在小鼠体内达峰时间迅速,并能长时间维持稳定的药物释放,有望用于子宫腺肌病的治疗。
关键词:  醋酸棉酚  宫内给药装置  子宫腺肌病  小鼠
Evaluation of the Release Rate of Gossypol Acetate from a Gossypol-Loaded Intrauterine Device in Mice
QIU Lin1,2, ZHAO Yi1, YUAN Hong3, XU Hong1, HU Fuqiang3, LIN Jun1, ZHANG Xinmei1
1.Women’s Hospital,College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310006, China;2.3.The Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310015, China;3.2.Institute of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the release rate of gossypol acetate from a designed gossypol-loaded intrauterine device (IUD) in mice. METHODS The mice were administrated with gossypol acetate-loaded IUD and then the release rate of gossypol acetate from the IUD was tested by HPLC. RESULTS The results showed that the concentration of plasma gossypol acetate gradually increased to a peak level of 0.30 μg·L-1 on the second day, which was then maintained for several months. CONCLUSION A gossypol-loaded IUD is a reliable method of administration for gossypol acetate and it is possibly an effective way to treat adenomyosis in mice.
Key words:  gossypol acetate  intrauterine contraceptive device  adenomyosis  mice