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LI Mingyan,XIE Xiaobo,ZHU Huizhao,ZHENG Huaxian,WEI Meizhi,ZHU Weidong.Breeding of Dendrobium Officinale cv. Xianhu 1 and Its Characteristics[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(4):281-284.
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李明焱1, 谢小波2, 朱惠照1, 郑化先1, 魏美芝1, 朱卫东1
1.浙江寿仙谷珍稀植物药研究院,浙江 武义 321200;2.浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所,杭州 310021
目的 保护野生铁皮石斛资源,选育铁皮石斛优良品种。方法 采用系统育种方法从野生铁皮石斛种质资源中选育出符合要求的新品种,石蜡切片技术鉴定铁皮石斛质地特征;ISSR分子标记技术分析品种(系)间遗传差异。结果 经过十余年的系统选育,成功获得了铁皮石斛新品种“仙斛1号”。移栽36个月后,“仙斛1号”的新鲜茎叶产量分别比对照增加104.0%和32.4%,达到了2.54 kg·m-2;干品率分别提高63.0%和38.7%,达24.9%;多糖含量分别提高117.1%和187.2%,为47.1%。分子标记分析表明“仙斛1号”与其他铁皮石斛品种(系)有着明显的遗传差异。结论 “仙斛1号”是一个综合性状表现突出的铁皮石斛优良新品种,它的育成可为铁皮石斛相关产业的健康发展提供新的良种选择。
关键词:  铁皮石斛  仙斛1号  选育  特征特性  分子标记
Breeding of Dendrobium Officinale cv. Xianhu 1 and Its Characteristics
LI Mingyan1, XIE Xiaobo2, ZHU Huizhao1, ZHENG Huaxian1, WEI Meizhi1, ZHU Weidong1
1.Zhejiang Shouxiangu Rare Botanical Institute, Wuyi 321200, China;2.Institute of Horticulture, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China
OBJECTIVE To conserve the wild germplasms of Dendrobium officinale and offer elite cultivar for production. METHODS System breeding method was adopted for the breeding of new cultivar from collected wild germplasm of D. officinale. Paraffin slicing technique was used to identify the genuineness of D. officinale. ISSR molecular marker technique was also performed to distinguish genetic difference between new cultivar and other D. officinale materials. RESULTS An elite new cultivar “Xianhu 1” has been bred successfully with more than ten years. Yield and quality testing showed that 36 months-old yield of fresh leave and stem of “Xianhu 1” was 2.54 kg·m-2, and increased by 104.0% and 32.4% versus that of controls, respectively. The dried stem ratio was 24.9%, and increased by 63.0% and 38.7% versus that of controls, respectively. The rough polysaccharide content of “Xianhu 1” was 47.1% in dried stem, and increased by 117.1% and 187.2% versus that of controls, respectively. ISSR analysis indicated that there were clear differences in DNA level between “Xianhu 1” and other D. officinale cultivar or lines. CONCLUSION “Xianhu 1” is an elite cultivar with good synthetic agronomic traits. Its successful breeding could improve the normal development in the industry of D. officinale.
Key words:  Dendrobium officinale  Xianhu 1  breeding  characteristics  molecular marker