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NIU Yaohu,DING Yonghui,WANG Lanxia,LI Shibo,ZHANG Yanming.Effect of Ultra-fine Attrition on the Angelica Sinensis Radix Basic Chemical Dissolubility[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(3):242-244.
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牛耀虎1, 丁永辉2, 王兰霞3, 李士博3, 张艳明4
1.兰州大学药学院,兰州 730000;2.甘肃省食品药品监督管理局,兰州 730000;3.甘肃省药品检验所,兰州 730000;4.甘肃中医学院,兰州 730000
目的 比较不同粒径当归药材中阿魏酸及其他化学成分溶出的情况。方法 采用高效液相色谱法分别对当归超微粉和40目、100目普通粉中所含化学成分进行定量、定性研究。结果 以超声处理10 min为条件,当归超微粉中的阿魏酸溶出量分别比40目、100目普通粉提高了82.51%和81.09%。在所含基本化学成分的图谱中,超微粉谱图的峰数较多,即溶出的物质较多,且在共有峰中超微粉的相对峰面积较大。结论 超微粉碎能明显提高当归药材中化学成分溶出。
关键词:  当归  超微粉碎  阿魏酸
Effect of Ultra-fine Attrition on the Angelica Sinensis Radix Basic Chemical Dissolubility
NIU Yaohu1, DING Yonghui2, WANG Lanxia3, LI Shibo3, ZHANG Yanming4
1.School of Pharmacy, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Gansu Food and Drug Administration, Lanzhou 730000, China;3.Gansu Institute for Drug Control, Lanzhou 730000, China;4.Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China
OBJECTIVE Study on the influence of different grain sizes on the dissolution of the ferulic acid and other chemical composition. METHODS Ultra-fine, 40 mesh and 100 mesh powder of the Angelica Sinensis Radix were quantitatively and qualitatively studied by HPLC. RESULTS Comparing with 40 mesh and 100 mesh powder of Angelica Sinensis Radix treated with sonication for 10 min, the ferulic acid-soluble out rate of the ultra-fine powder were increased separately by 82.5% and 81.09%. Furthermore, the number of peaks in the HPLC graph of ultra-fine powder was more than that of 40 mesh and 100 mesh powder, which indicated that more chemicals in the Angelica Sinensis Radix were dissolved out. And also, the area of relative peaks of ultra-fine powder were larger than that of the traditional ones. CONCLUSION The technique of ultra-fine grinding can significantly improve the dissolution of the chemical constituents of Angelica Sinensis Radix.
Key words:  Angelica Sinensis Radix  ultra-fine attrition  ferulic acid