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MEI Yan,WANG Yang,SONG Xinwen,PENG Jing,ZHOU Jun.An Retrospectively Analysis on Results of Serum Sodium Valproate Concentration Monitoring on Children with Epilepsy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(2):174-177.
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梅艳, 汪洋, 宋新文, 彭静, 周军
武汉市儿童医院,武汉 430016
目的 探讨癫痫患儿丙戊酸钠血药浓度与临床疗效、给药剂量、药物剂型、性别、年龄和体质量的相关性。方法 回顾性查阅我院临床药学室337例癫痫患儿丙戊酸钠血药浓度监测记录,将浓度值、性别、年龄等资料录入数据库,利用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析处理。结果 癫痫患儿丙戊酸钠血药浓度值与性别不存在明显的相关性,但与临床疗效、给药剂量、药物剂型、年龄和体质量密切相关。结论 丙戊酸钠在患儿体内的代谢过程存在一定的个体差异性,应根据每位患儿自身的具体情况并结合血药浓度监测结果来制订个体化给药方案。
关键词:  癫痫  儿童  丙戊酸钠  治疗药物监测  相关性
An Retrospectively Analysis on Results of Serum Sodium Valproate Concentration Monitoring on Children with Epilepsy
MEI Yan, WANG Yang, SONG Xinwen, PENG Jing, ZHOU Jun
The Children’s Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan 430016, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the correlations of serum sodium valproate concentration in epileptic children with clinical therapeutic effect, dosage, dosage form, sex, age and body weight. METHODS Our clinical pharmacy room’s 337 cases monitoring records of serum sodium valproate concentration in children with epilepsy were researched retrospectively and data as concentrations, sex, age etc were put into data base, which were analyzed and treated by SPSS 13.0 software. RESULTS No significant correlation was noted between serum sodium valproate concentration in epileptic children and sex, however it was closely correlated with therapeutic effect, dosage, dosage form, age and body weight. CONCLUSION The individual difference in the metabolic processes of sodium valproate within individual patient was obvious, so it’s necessary to make individualized remedy according to patients’ specific condition and monitoring result.
Key words:  epilepsy  children  sodium valproate  therapeutic drug monitoring  correlation