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LI Wei,ZHAO Feicui.Research on Quality Specification of National Ziziphora Bungeana Herba[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(3):236-241.
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李伟, 赵翡翠
新疆医科大学附属中医医院,乌鲁木齐 830000
目的 建立新塔花药材的质量控制标准,为药用植物资源的开发利用提供科学依据。方法 于不同产地采集6批新塔花样品,对新塔花原植物进行鉴定,并对其性状进行描述;对新塔花的茎、叶、粉末进行显微鉴别;以胡薄荷酮对照品对新塔花药材进行薄层鉴别;测定了6批新塔花药材的水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分;对新塔花挥发油测定方法进行考察,并测定了6批新塔花药材的挥发油含量;采用HPLC测定新塔花药材中胡薄荷酮含量。结果 对新塔花药材的来源、性状、显微鉴别进行了描述,制订了新塔花中胡薄荷酮的薄层色谱鉴别方法;检查项中暂订新塔花药材水分不得过9%,总灰分不得过10%,酸不溶性灰分不得过2%。确定了新塔花中挥发油和胡薄荷酮含量测定方法,并根据测定结果暂订本品含挥发油含量不得少于0.60%(mL·g-1),含胡薄荷酮不得少于0.30%。结论 通过研究制定了新塔花药材的质量控制标准。
关键词:  新塔花  挥发油  胡薄荷酮  质量标准
Research on Quality Specification of National Ziziphora Bungeana Herba
LI Wei, ZHAO Feicui
Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Medical University, Urumqi 830000, China
OBJECTIVE To provide scientific basis for the utilization and development of Ziziphora Bungeana Herba by setting up the quality control specification of Ziziphora Bungeana Herba. METHODS In different origin of 6 batches of Ziziphora bungeana, the samples of the original plant were identificated, its properties were described. The stem, leaf, flower powder for microscopic were identificated in contrast to pulegone on TLC. The 6 batches of Ziziphora bungeana of moisture and ash were determined. The essential oil determination method of Ziziphora bungeana were inspected and the bioactive constituents were analyzed by HPLC. RESULTS The origins, macroscopic and microscopic identification of Ziziphora bungeana were described and the TLC identification method was formulated. Check in formulating moisture was less than 9%, total ashes were less than 10%, acid-insoluble ashes were less than 2%. Determine the essential oil and pulegone of Ziziphora bungeana and according to the content determination method for the determination of the essential oil product shall be not less than 0.60% (mL·g-1), pulegone shall not be less than 0.30%. CONCLUSION The established method can be used for the quality control of Ziziphora Bungeana Hebra.
Key words:  Ziziphora bungeana  essential oil  pulegone  quality specification