引用本文: | 马雪萍,马秀敏,丁剑冰,薛志琴,阿依达尔,谷茜,田树革,武新华.神香草总多糖的提取工艺研究[J].中国现代应用药学,2011,28(5):437-439. |
| MA Xueping,MA Xiumin,DING Jianbing,XUE Zhiqin,Ayider,GU Qian,TIAN Shuge,WU Xinhua.Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Hyssopus Offcinalis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(5):437-439. |
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神香草总多糖的提取工艺研究 |
马雪萍1,2, 马秀敏1,3, 丁剑冰1,3, 薛志琴3, 阿依达尔4, 谷茜4, 田树革1, 武新华1,2
1.新疆医科大学附属中医院新疆国家中医临床研究基地,乌鲁木齐 830000;2.新疆医科大学,药学院,乌鲁木齐 830011;3.新疆医科大学,基础医学院,乌鲁木齐 830011;4.新疆医科大学,法医学,乌鲁木齐 830011
摘要: |
目的 对维药神香草总多糖的最佳提取工艺进行研究。方法 用正交试验法筛选最佳提取工艺,并用蒽酮-硫酸法测定多糖含量。结果 最大吸收波长为620 nm,RSD=2.84%(n=3),神香草总多糖的最佳提取工艺为:料液比1∶25,提取次数2次,提取时间1 h,醇沉浓度为80%。结论 该方法简单、快速、重复性好,为从神香草中提取多糖提供了参考依据。 |
关键词: 正交试验 神香草 总多糖 |
DOI: |
分类号: |
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区教育厅项目(XJEDU2008I17,XJEDU2009S50);新疆自治区自然科学基金项目(200821129);新疆医科大学大学生创新实验项目(CX2010004,CX2010006) |
Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Hyssopus Offcinalis |
MA Xueping,MA Xiumin,DING Jianbing,XUE Zhiqin,Ayider,GU Qian,TIAN Shuge,WU Xinhua
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE To study the optimum extraction process of polysaccharide from Hyssopus offcinalis. METHODS The optional ultrasonic extraction process was selected with the orthogonal design and the content of polysaccharides was determined by spectrophotometer. RESULTS λmax=620 nm, RSD=2.84%(n=3), the optimum extraction process was as follows: the polysaccharide was extracted with ultrasonic technology for 1 hour with 25 times water for 2 times and alcohol concentration was 80%. CONCLUSION The experimental results provide the basis for the ultrasonic extraction process of polysaccharide from Hyssopus offcinalis. This optimum process is simple, stable and efficient. |
Key words: orthogonal test Hyssopus offcinalis polysaccharide |