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ZHOU Qiaoyun,ZHANG Zhaohui,PAN Junfang,LI Yaqi.Development of Poloxamers Used as Carriers for New Dosage Forms of Hydrophobic Drugs[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(4):315-319.
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周巧云1,2, 张朝晖1, 潘俊芳2, 李雅琪1,2
1.江苏大学药学院,江苏 镇江 212013;2.上海华拓医药科技发展股份有限公司,上海 201203
目的 综述高分子聚合物辅料泊洛沙姆近年来在提高疏水性药物溶解吸收和生物利用度方面的最新应用进展。方法 查阅近2~3年来国内外研究文献,总结以泊洛沙姆407及泊洛沙姆188为载体的的各种疏水性药物给药新剂型及其载药特性和优点。结果 以两类泊洛沙姆制备的给药新剂型主要有原位凝胶、固体分散体、纳米乳、纳米粒和复合制剂等,具有给药方便、增加药物溶解吸收、提高药物生物利用度及缓释效果显著等优点。结论 两类泊洛沙姆是疏水药物新剂型研究的理想载体之一,尤其在中药难溶性有效成分给药系统研究中应用前景广阔。
关键词:  泊洛沙姆  疏水性药物  新剂型
Development of Poloxamers Used as Carriers for New Dosage Forms of Hydrophobic Drugs
ZHOU Qiaoyun1,2, ZHANG Zhaohui1, PAN Junfang2, LI Yaqi1,2
1.School of Pharmacy, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China;2.Shanghai Hotmed Sciences Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201203, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the newly application of poloxamers in enhancing dissolution and bioavailability properties of hydrophobic drugs. METHODS With reference to research literatures published home and abroad during the past two or three years, this paper summarizes many new dosage forms of hydrophobic drugs using poloxamer 407 and poloxamer 188 as polymeric carriers. RESULTS The new dosage forms, including in-situ forming gels, solid dispensions, nanoemulsions, nanoparticles and composite preparations, were characterized by many superior features like better compliance, higher dissolution and bioavailability of model drugs, as well as an obvious property of sustained release. CONCLUSION The two poloxamers had been proved to be one of the ideal carriers for hydrophobic drugs, and they do have a great potential in increasing solulability and creating new drug delivery systems for many water-insoluable traditional Chinese medicines.
Key words:  poloxamers  hydrophobic drugs  new dosage forms