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DONG Jingjing,LI Xiaokun,YANG Yun,XU Min.Study on Extraction Process of Polysaccharides form Polygoni Multiflori Caulis by Enzyme Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(6):519-523.
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董晶晶, 李晓坤, 杨云, 许闽
河南中医学院药学院,郑州 450008
目的 研究酶法提取首乌藤多糖的最佳工艺条件。方法 利用酶解法提取首乌藤多糖,筛选出最佳适用酶,然后利用苯酚-硫酸法测定多糖含量,以多糖得率和多糖含量为综合评价指标,采用单因素试验对影响首乌藤多糖的提取工艺进行研究。结果 首乌藤多糖的最佳适用酶为纤维素酶,由单因素试验确定的酶法提取首乌藤多糖的最佳工艺条件为pH 5.0,纤维素酶用量3%,酶解时间4 h,酶解温度55 ℃。结论 纤维素酶可显著提高首乌藤多糖的提取率。
关键词:  首乌藤多糖  酶法  提取工艺
Study on Extraction Process of Polysaccharides form Polygoni Multiflori Caulis by Enzyme Method
DONG Jingjing, LI Xiaokun, YANG Yun, XU Min
College of Pharmacy, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450008, China
OBJECTIVE To study the optimal enzyme extraction technology of polysaccharides from Polygoni Multiflori Caulis. METHODS The yield of polysaccharide and polysaccharide content were used to evaluate the factor levels. Based on the optimized enzyme, the extraction conditions were optimized by the single factor tests. RESULTS The conditions of the optimal extraction process using cellulose enzyme method were as follows: the pH value was 5.0, the concentration of cellulose enzyme was 3%, the extraction time was 4 hours and the extraction temperature was 55 ℃. CONCLUSION The yield of polysaccharide extracted from Polygoni Multiflori Caulis can be significantly increased by using cellulose enzyme extraction process.
Key words:  Polygoni Multiflori Caulis polysaccharide  enzyme method  extraction process