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WANG Fei, YU Jian, YAN Wei.Survey on the Usage of the Prophylactic Antibiotics Drugs with Type I Incision Operation[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(1):77-79.
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杭州市第一人民医院,杭州 310006
目的 了解普外科I类切口手术围手术期预防性抗菌药物使用现状,提高临床合理用药水平。方法 采用回顾性调查方法,随机抽取2010年1月~2月份普外科I类切口手术出院病历52份,对围手术期用药指征、抗菌药物品种选择、用药时间和药物利用指数等方面进行分析。结果 52例I类切口手术病历全部使用抗菌药物,使用频度较高的药物为依替米星、头孢米诺钠和氨苄西林/舒巴坦,42.31%的患者用药时间≤3 d,32.69%的患者二联用药,使用频度较高的氨苄西林/舒巴坦和头孢唑啉的药物利用指数(DUI)>1。结论 普外科I类切口手术围手术期抗菌药物的使用尚需进一步规范。 关键词:I类切口;围手术期;抗菌药物;预防用药
关键词:  I类切口  围手术期  抗菌药物  预防用药
Survey on the Usage of the Prophylactic Antibiotics Drugs with Type I Incision Operation
WANG Fei, YU Jian, YAN Wei
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Hangzhou 310006, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate and analyze the application of prophylactic antibiotics with type I incision operation in hospital so as to provide a further guidance for rational drug use. METHODS Case history of 52 cases with type I incision operation were randomly retrieved, whose data concerning drug categories, duration of medication,drug combination, DUI, ect were analysed. RESULTS All of the 52 cases were given the antibacterial drugs in perioperative period,the first three kinds were etimicin, cefminox sodium, latamoxef sodium. ampicillin-sulbactam. 42.31% of cases were treated three days. The rate of antibiotics combination using was 32.69%. ampicillin-sulbactam,cefazolin use indexs (DUI) were >1. CONCLUSION Irrational antibiotic prophylaxis in type I incision perioperative period exists, it is suggested that antibiotic prophylaxis in type I incision perioperative period should be further strengthened to supervise and management.
Key words:  type I incision  perioperative period  antimicrobial drug  prophylactic usage of drug