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Lü Liangzhong,YU Jia,FANG Qingxia.Comparative Study on the Incidence of Inpatient ADRs During 2006—2008 in Our Hospital[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(5):468-471.
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吕良忠1, 俞佳1, 方晴霞1
浙江省人民医院药剂科,杭州 310014
目的 了解我院住院病人不同类别药品不良反应(ADR)发生率的发生情况,促进临床合理用药。方法 对2006—2008我院上报的1 094例住院病人药品ADR报告进行分类统计和分析,比较不同药物类别、不同产地药品ADR发生率的差异。结果 ADR发生率最多的药品种类为影响机体免疫功能药、老年用药、中药注射剂,分别为1.038%,0.585%,0.512%,和总体的ADR发生率比较有高度统计学差异(P<0.01);西药和中成药ADR发生率分别为0.175%、0.498%,两者有高度统计学差异(P<0.01),两者严重ADR发生率没有差异(P>0.05);国产药和进口/合资药ADR发生率和严重ADR发生率均没有差异(P>0.05)。结论 除了进一步重视ADR的报告和监测工作,还应重视ADR发生率的比较研究,加强安全用药的客观评价,促进临床合理用药。
关键词:  药品不良反应  发生率  比较研究
Comparative Study on the Incidence of Inpatient ADRs During 2006—2008 in Our Hospital
Lü Liangzhong,YU Jia,FANG Qingxia
OBJECTIVE To investigate the incidence of inpatient adverse drug reaction (ADR) in our hospital and improve rational clinical use of drugs. METHODS A total of 1 094 cases of inpatient ADR in our hospital during 2006 and 2008 were counted up, classified and analyzed. The differences of ADR incidence rate between different drugs and in different manufacturing locations were compared. RESULTS The highest incidence of ADRs occurred in drugs that affected the body's immune function(1.038%), drugs used in eldly patient(0.585%) and traditional Chinese medicine injections(0.512%), which showed significant differences with overall ADRs incidence. The ADR incidence of Chinese medicine was 0.175%, and the Western medicine was 0.498%. There were significant differences between the Western and Chinese medicine(P<0.01),but no difference with the incidence of serious ADR(P>0.05). The Chinese-made drugs and import/joint drugs had no difference with the incidence of ADR or serious ADR(P>0.05). CONCLUSION In addition to emphasizing ADRs monitor and reports, comparative study methods should be paid more attention to and impersonal evaluation should be strengthened in order to improve rational clinical use of drugs.
Key words:  adverse drug reaction  incidence  comparative study