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MA Cungen,YANG Lizhi,BAI Jianping,ZHANG Haifei,YU Jiezhong,FENG Ling.Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat Capsules on Fatty Liver in Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(9):781-785.
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马存根, 杨立志, 白建平, 张海飞, 尉杰忠, 丰玲
山西大同大学脑科学研究所,山西 大同 037009
目的 研究决明山楂燕麦胶囊对大鼠脂肪肝的防治作用。方法 采用高脂饮食喂养方式建立大鼠脂肪肝模型,以大鼠一般情况,血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)、丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量、肝脏病理改变为评价指标,观察药物的保护作用。结果 与大鼠脂肪肝模型组相比,决明山楂燕麦胶囊可显著降低大鼠血清TC和TG含量(P<0.01);升高HDL-C(P<0.05);降低大鼠血清MDA、ALT和AST含量(P<0.05),并明显改善脂肪肝大鼠的肝脏病理改变,减轻肝脏的脂肪变性。结论 决明山楂燕麦胶囊具有调节血脂,防治大鼠脂肪肝的作用。
关键词:  高脂血症  脂肪肝  燕麦  功能食品  决明山楂燕麦胶囊
Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat Capsules on Fatty Liver in Rats
MA Cungen, YANG Lizhi, BAI Jianping, ZHANG Haifei, YU Jiezhong, FENG Ling
Institute of Brain Science, Shanxi Datong University, Datong 037009, China
OBJECTIVE To study the preventive and therapeutic effects of Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat capsules on fatty liver in rats. METHODS Fatty liver model of rat was established by feeding high fat diet. By measuring the general physical state, contents of serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), superoxide disutase (SOD), malondiadehyde (MDA) and hepatic pathological changes in rats, the protective effect of Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat capsules were evaluated. RESULTS Compared with fatty liver model group, Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat capsules could significantly lower the contents of TC and TG (P<0.01), significantly increase the contents of the HDL-C(P<0.05), significantly lower the contents of MDA, ALT and AST in sera (P<0.05), obviously ameliorate hepatic pathological changes and lighten hepatic steatosis of fatty liver rats in treated groups. CONCLUSION Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat capsules have effects of regulating the blood lipids and preventing and treating fatty liver in rats.
Key words:  hyperlipidemia  fatty liver  oat  functional foods  Semen Cassiae Hawthorn Oat capsules