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CUI Xinmeng,WANG Hongguang.Silicon Dioxide used as Antistatic Agents in Powder Preparation[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(9):839-841.
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崔鑫萌, 王洪光
青岛科技大学药学系,山东 青岛 266042
目的 探讨微粉硅胶作为粉末抗静电剂在制备微粒中的应用。方法 使用流化床制备微粒时会遇到粉末静电吸附现象,严重影响制粒过程,针对该问题,本实验采用PVC粉作为实验模型药物,用接触式静电探头法测定在加入微粉硅胶前后的粉末静电电量和表面电阻率。结果 在加入质量分数为0.8%微粉硅胶后,静电电量与表面电阻率明显降低,粉末静电吸附现象消失。结论 适量的微粉硅胶对粉末静电有明显的消除作用,对流化床制备微粒有着重要意义。
关键词:  微粉硅胶  粉末  抗静电  流化床  制粒
Silicon Dioxide used as Antistatic Agents in Powder Preparation
CUI Xinmeng, WANG Hongguang
Department of Pharmacy, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate Aerosil(silicon dioxide) used as antistatic agents in powder granulation by fluid bed. METHODS The electrostatic phenomena will happen and affect the process of granulation seriously in powder granulation by fluid bed. To solve the problem, we used PVC powder as the model drug. The change of powder electrostatic potential and electrical surface resistivity with the addition of Aerosil was measured by contact electrostatic probe method. RESULTS The static electricity and the surface resistance was significantly lowered, and the powder electrostatic adsorption was disappeared when the Aerosil in 0.8% mass fraction. CONCLUSION The static electricity is eliminated obviously by using the Aerosil which is significant to the granule making by fluid bed.
Key words:  silicon dioxide  powder  anlistatig  fluid bed  granulation