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SUN Yiming, YU Xuping, XU Jianzhong, REN Jiangjian, WANG Zhian.Study on the Original Procesing Techonology in Production Place of Corydalis Rhizoma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(10):923-926.
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浙江省中药研究所,杭州 310023
目的 建立延胡索产地加工工艺技术。方法 开展了不同的水煮处理时间、水蒸、切片生晒、硫磺熏蒸等加工方法研究,测定不同加工方法对有效成分含量、浸出物含量及折干率的影响,并与传统初加工的延胡索饮片质量进行对比。结果 蒸制加工样品及水煮加工样品中有效成分含量均随着蒸制及煮制时间的延长,呈现降低趋势,且两者都明显高于传统加工。蒸制延胡索的水浸出物含量要高于煮制延胡索,但煮制延胡索与传统加工之间无明显差异。结论 延胡索加工采用蒸制或煮制均可,但蒸制稍好,蒸制或煮制时间不可过长,否则会造成有效成分的流失,蒸制或煮制以延胡索内部无白心为宜。
关键词:  延胡索  产地加工
Study on the Original Procesing Techonology in Production Place of Corydalis Rhizoma
SUN Yiming, YU Xuping, XU Jianzhong, REN Jiangjian, WANG Zhian
Zhejiang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 310023, China
OBJECTIVE To establish processing technology in production place of Corydalis Rhizoma. METHODS Compared different boiled processing time test, water steam test, sliced Sun-dried test, sulfur fumigation test or other processing test with the method of traditional processing. The best processing method was determined based on the content of effective constituents and extract content. RESULTS The effective constituent content of steam system processing samples and boiled samples presented the trend of decrease with the increasing of time, and both of them were higher than the traditional process. The content of water-extract in steam system processing was higher than that in boiled processing, but there was no remarkable difference between the boiling and the traditional processing. CONCLUSION Corydalis Rhizoma can be processed by steaming or boiling, but steaming is better. And the steaming or boiling time should not last for long time, otherwise it will result in the loss of active ingredients, and non-white inner core is used as the gold standard in steaming or boiling processing.
Key words:  Corydalis Rhizoma  processing in production place