引用本文: | 叶金翠;姜丽霞;陈国神.复方戊酸雌二醇片的溶出度研究[J].中国现代应用药学,2003,(2):140-141. |
| YE Jin-cui, JIANG Li-xia, CHEN Guo-shen.Study on the Dissolution of Compound Estradiol Valerate Tablets[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2003,(2):140-141. |
摘要: |
目的 进行复方戊酸雌二醇片溶出度的方法学研究。方法 采用桨法,以0 .2 5 %十二烷基硫酸钠的磷酸盐缓冲液(pH7.3)为溶出介质,用高效液相色谱法测定溶出度。结果 本法的平均回收率高,产品的溶出度均一性好,与进口品溶出度曲线相近。结论 本法适用于该制剂的溶出度质量控制 |
关键词: 复方戊酸雌二醇片 溶出度 |
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Study on the Dissolution of Compound Estradiol Valerate Tablets |
YE Jin-cui, JIANG Li-xia, CHEN Guo-shen
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE To study the dissolution methodology of compound estradiol valerate tablets. METHOD Using 0.25% sodium lauryl sulphate in phosphate buffer (pH=7.3) as medium and samples were determined by HPLC. RESULTS The percentage of EV and NET dissolved |
Key words: compound estradiol valerate tablets dissolution |