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引用本文:张克平1a, 薛洁1b, 朱路佳1b ,谢梅林1b*, 张洪泉2.祛栓灵胶囊抑制动物血小板聚集功能的研究[J].中国现代应用药学,2009,(10):800-804.
ZHANG Keping1a, XUE Jie1b, ZHU Lujia1b*, XIE Meilin1b, ZHANG Hongquan2.Inhibitory Effect of Qushuanling Capsule on the Function of Platelet Aggregation in Animals[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2009,(10):800-804.
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张克平1a, 薛洁1b, 朱路佳1b ,谢梅林1b*, 张洪泉2
张克平1a, 薛洁1b, 朱路佳1b ,谢梅林1b*, 张洪泉2  
目的观察祛栓灵胶囊对动物血小板聚集功能的影响。方法采用ADP、凝血酶和花生四烯酸三种诱导剂,测定正常大鼠和血瘀模型兔服用祛栓灵胶囊7 d后的血小板聚集性变化。结果大鼠服用祛栓灵胶囊62.5~250 mg·kg-17 d后,对ADP和凝血酶诱导的血小板最大聚集率分别可抑制13.8%~24.0%和11.6%~35.3%;血瘀模型兔服用祛栓灵胶囊37.5~150 mg·kg-1 7 d后,对ADP和凝血酶诱导的血小板最大聚集率分别可抑制22.1%~33.9%和16.3%~23.6%。但正常大鼠和血瘀模型兔服用祛栓灵胶囊后,对花生四烯酸诱导的血小板聚集均未见有明显影响。结论祛栓灵胶囊可明显抑制大鼠和兔体内由ADP和凝血酶介导的血小板聚集。
关键词:  祛栓灵胶囊  血小板聚集  药效学
Inhibitory Effect of Qushuanling Capsule on the Function of Platelet Aggregation in Animals
ZHANG Keping1a, XUE Jie1b, ZHU Lujia1b*, XIE Meilin1b, ZHANG Hongquan2
OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of Qushuanling capsule on the function of platelet aggregation in animals. METHODS The platelet aggregation was induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP), thrombin and arachidonic acid (AA), and by this way we determined the changes of platelet aggregation in normal rats and acute blood stasis rabbits after administration of Qushuanling capsule. RESULTS After treatment with Qushuanling capsule for 7 days by 62.5-250 mg·kg-1, the rate of maximal platelet aggregation was inhibited by 13.8%-24.0% for ADP and 11.6%-35.3% for thrombin, and 22.1%-33.9% for ADP and 16.3%-23.6% for thrombin in 37.5-150 mg·kg-1-treated rabbits, respectively, but the drug had no effect on the AA-induced platelet aggregation. CONCLUSION Qushuanling capsule might obviously inhibit the ADP or thrombin mediated the platelet aggregation in rats and rabbits.
Key words:  Qushuanling capsule  platelet aggregation  pharmacodynamics