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.Effects of Trazodone Hydrochloride on Sexual Function of Male Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2010,27(4):289-294.
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目的 探讨盐酸曲唑酮对雄性大鼠性功能的影响。方法 通过建立去势雄性大鼠模型和大鼠交配模型,按照不同分组,观察正常的雄性大鼠、去势雄鼠与发情雌鼠(1∶1)交配,观察40 min内雄鼠的乘骑潜伏期、交配潜伏期、射精后不应期时间、交配间隔期、乘骑次数、交配次数、插入率、捕捉次数的指标变化。结果 高、中剂量的曲唑酮组对去势雄鼠的乘骑潜伏期和捕捉次数有显著性差异外(P<0.05或P<0.01),高中低剂量组对余下各项指标均无显著性差异;高、中剂量的曲唑酮组对正常雄鼠可显著延长其交配潜伏期、射精后不应期、交配间隔期和乘骑潜伏期,显著减少40 min内与雌鼠的乘骑次数、捕捉次数、交配次数,降低插入率(P<0.01)。低剂量可显著缩短正常雄鼠交配潜伏期、射精后不应期、交配间隔期和乘骑潜伏期,显著增加40 min内与雌鼠的捕捉次数,提高插入率(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论 盐酸曲唑酮对去势雄鼠性功能没有促进作用;高、中剂量对正常雄鼠交配能力有抑制作用,低剂量能显著提高正常雄鼠的交配能力。
关键词:  盐酸曲唑酮  雄性大鼠  性功能
Effects of Trazodone Hydrochloride on Sexual Function of Male Rats
YU Qilu1  HUANG Jiehong2  LI Guoji2  XIAO Yipeng1  ZHANG Junfang3  DAI Weibo4  FAN Wenchang4  MEI Quanxi4
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of trazodone hydrochloride on sexual function of castrated male rats. METHODS Fifty castrated male rats were divided into mode control group (with normal sodium), high, medium and low doses trazodone groups (84.0, 42.0, 10.5 mg·kg-1·d-1) and viagra positive control group (46.5 mg·kg-1·d-1) of 10 rats each. Another 10 healthy male rats were enrolled for normal controls group. After the male rats were mated with their female counters in pairs, the sexual behavior were recorded: mount latency (ML), intromission latency (IL), postejaculatory interval (PEI), intromission interval (II)and mount frequency (MF) in 40 minutes, intromission frequency in 40 minutes (IF), chase frequency in 40 minutes (CF), hit rate. RESULTS The trazodone of the 3 doses for the castrated male rats and of the high and medium doses for the normal male rats have not a better effect for regulation of sexual function. Compared with the mode control, IL, PEI, II, ML were significantly shortened after the use of trazodone (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The CF and hit rate in 40 minutes were significantly increased after the use of trazodone (P<0.05). CONCLUSION The sexual function of castrated male rats treated with trazodone have no significant effects. The sexual function of normal male rats treated with the high and medium doses of trazodone have no significant effects also. The low doses of trazodone can obviously improve the sexuality of normal male rats.
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