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.Analysis on the Rationality of Transfusion Prescriptions in Tianjin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2010,27(7):652-654.
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目的 了解天津市门、急诊输液用药的安全与合理性的整体情况。方法 选取天津市多家二、三级医疗机构,随机抽取门急诊输液处方,记录患者及处方的基本情况,对处方药品的用法用量、配伍情况、给药途径等分别进行合理性评价。原始数据采用EXCEL进行分类、汇总、筛选,统计数据采用SPSS 11.0计算。结果 本研究共涉及各类医疗机构11个,抽取4 d输液处方共计8 188张。单张输液处方的平均药品数为每人3.00种,抗菌药物处方比例为57.72%。处方给药剂量与给药间隔合理的比例分别为84.99%和76.00%;药品间可以安全配伍的处方占76.85%;给药途径及联合用药合理处方的比例分别为94.91%和97.40%。结论 天津市门急诊输液处方存在给药剂量、给药间隔以及输液药品间的配伍不合理现象。临床工作中,药师应发挥自身药学知识与理论的作用,尽量避免不合理输液。
关键词:  输液  处方分析  合理用药
Analysis on the Rationality of Transfusion Prescriptions in Tianjin
BU Yishan  XU Yangui*  CHEN Fan  REN Haixia

OBJECTIVE To investigate the safety and rationality status of transfusion prescriptions in Tianjin. METHODS Prescriptions of 11 hospitals were drawn randomly. The rationality of dosage, compatibility and administration route was evaluated respectively. Eleven primitive data were disposed by EXCEL, and the statistic data were disposed by SPSS 11.0. RESULTS A total of 8 188 prescriptions were selected. The percentage of reasonable prescription about dosage and dosing interval were 84.99% and 76.00%. The prescriptions with safety compatibility were only 76.85%. CONCLUSION Transfusion prescriptions in Tianjin were safety and reliable overall while the safety of compatibility still needs to be improved. Apothecary should avoid improper transfusion prescriptions by their professional knowledge and theoretic.

OBJECTIVE To investigate the safety and rationality status of transfusion

prescriptions in Tianjin. METHODS Prescriptions of 11 hospitals were drawn

randomly. The rationality of dosage, compatibility and administration route was

evaluated respectively. Eleven primitive data were disposed by EXCEL, and the

statistic data were disposed by SPSS 11.0. RESULTS A total of 8 188

prescriptions were selected. The percentage of reasonable prescription about

dosage and dosing interval were 84.99% and 76.00%. The prescriptions with

safety compatibility were only 76.85%. CONCLUSION Transfusion prescriptions

in Tianjin were safety and reliable overall while the safety of compatibility still

needs to be improved. Apothecary should avoid improper transfusion

prescriptions by their professional knowledge and theoretic.

Key words:  transfusion  prescription analysis  rational administration