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.Determination of Five Active Constituents of Asiasarum Essential Oil with Capillary Gas Chromatography by Using Double-Internal Standard Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2010,27(10):908-911.
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目的 建立毛细管气相色谱法同时测定细辛挥发油中5种主要成分(α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、1, 8-桉叶素、黄樟素和甲基丁香酚)的方法。方法 采用挥发油提取器提取挥发油;以胡薄荷酮和间二甲苯为双内标物,用HP-5毛细管柱分离,火焰离子化检测器检测;以保留时间定性,内标法定量。结果 在所选择的色谱条件下,上述成分在12 min内获得较好的分离;5种成分与内标物的峰面积比值与其质量浓度有良好的线性关系,r>0.997 7;样品加标平均回收率为96.7%~99.4%,RSD为1.24%~2.31%。结论 本方法简单、快速、准确,可同时测定细辛挥发油中5种成分的含量,为细辛质量控制提供依据。
关键词:  气相色谱法  双内标法  细辛挥发油  活性成分
Determination of Five Active Constituents of Asiasarum Essential Oil with Capillary Gas Chromatography by Using Double-Internal Standard Method
FAN Shaolou1  LIU Liping1  2*  BIAN Kejun1
OBJECTIVE A capillary gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of five effective constituents (α-pinene, β-pinene, 1, 8-foliosine, safrole and methyleugenol) in Asiasarum essential oil was developed. METHODS The essential oil was extracted by steam distillation. Pulegone and m-xylene were selected as the double-internal standard substances. The contents of five effective components were analyzed by gas chromatography using an Agilent HP-5 capillary column and a flame ionization detector. The retention time of the peak was applied for qualitative analysis, and the internal standard method was used for quantitative analysis. RESULTS The five components were well separated within 12 min. There were good linear relationships between peak area ratio on the mass concentration and correlation coefficents above 0.997 7. The average recoveries for the added standards and the RSD were 96.7%-99.4% and 1.24%-2.31%, respectively. CONCLUSION This method is simple, fast and accurate for the effective determination of volatile substances of asiasarum.
Key words:  GC  double-internal standard method  Asiasarum essential oil  active constituents