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GONG Wen,ZHU Jiabi.Preparation and Identification of Pidotimod-Phospholipid Complex[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(10):1289-1293.
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公雯1, 朱家壁2
1.南京市江宁区中医医院, 南京 211100;2.中国药科大学药物制剂研究所, 南京 210009
目的 制备匹多莫德磷脂复合物并对复合物进行鉴别。方法 以结合率为评价标准,结合单因素考察与正交试验设计法确定匹多莫德磷脂复合物的制备方法,并采用红外分析法、差式扫描量热分析、X-射线衍射分析鉴别所制得的复合物。结果 匹多莫德磷脂复合物反应条件如下:乙醇为反应溶剂,匹多莫德与磷脂的投料摩尔比为1:1,反应液中药物浓度为8 mg·mL-1,于60℃下磁力搅拌1 h。复合物红外图谱发生变化;差热扫描显示复合物的相变温度改变;X-射线衍射分析显示复合物呈现无定型特征。结论 确定制备匹多莫德磷脂复合物的最佳工艺,匹多莫德与磷脂形成复合物,结构不同于单体及物理混合物。
关键词:  匹多莫德  磷脂复合物  复合率  鉴别
Preparation and Identification of Pidotimod-Phospholipid Complex
GONG Wen1, ZHU Jiabi2
1.Department of Pharmacy, Nanjing Jiangning District Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 211100, China;2.Pharmaceutical Research Institution, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China
OBJECTIVE To prepare pidotimod-phospholipid complex and indentify the complex. METHODS The preparation method of pidotimod-phospholipid complex was established by single factor and orthogonal experimental design. The complex was analyzed by infrared spectrum(IR), differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). RESULTS The final reaction condition was established as follows:solvent was ethanol, the ratio of pidotimod to phospholipid was 1:1, reaction time was 1 h, temperature was 60℃, the concentration of pidotimod was 8 mg·mL-1. Differences were showed in IR, DSC, XRD between complex and monomer. CONCLUSION The best preparation method of pidotimod-phospholipid complex is established. The results of IR, DSC, XRD suggest the formation of pidotimod-Ppospholipid complex.
Key words:  pidotimod  phospholipid complex  complex rate  identification