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LIN Yuxian,XIONG Jianhua,YANG Jinzhao,LIN Zhong.Risk Assessment and Communication of Clinical Pharmacists on Cases of Drugs Used in Pregnancy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(10):1337-1341.
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林玉仙, 熊建华, 杨金招, 林中
温州市人民医院药剂科, 浙江 温州 325000
目的 介绍临床药师对妊娠期用药致畸性的分析和建议。方法 通过对几个案例分析的展示来介绍临床药师对妊娠期用药的风险评估。结果 评估的结果可为临床医师做出妊娠期正确用药处理提供依据,沟通的内容可提高孕妇对药物的认识。结论 临床药师开展的妊娠期用药风险评估与沟通专科门诊,不仅为医师和患者解决妊娠期用药难题,同时也促进了临床药学的发展。
关键词:  妊娠期  药物  评估  沟通  临床药师
Risk Assessment and Communication of Clinical Pharmacists on Cases of Drugs Used in Pregnancy
LIN Yuxian, XIONG Jianhua, YANG Jinzhao, LIN Zhong
Department of Pharmacy, Wenzhou People's Hospital, Wenzhou 325000, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the analysis and suggestion of clinical pharmacists on drug-induced teratogenicity in pregnancy. METHODS Clinical pharmacists assessed the risk of drug used in pregnancy through showing several case studies. RESULTS Results of assessment could be supplied for clinicians to handle pregnant incidents correctly. Contents of communication could improve the recognition of drugs in pregnancy women. CONCLUSION The specialty clinic of "risk assessment and communication of drugs in pregnancy" carried out by clinical pharmacists, not only solved the difficulties of drugs used in pregnancy for doctors and patients, but also promoted the development of clinical pharmacy.
Key words:  pregnancy  drug  assessment  communication  clinical pharmacist