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ZHANG Jianping,LI Cong,WEI Yuhui,SUN Shusen,WU Xin'an.A Brief Introduction to the Content and Model of Clinical Pharmaceutical Service for Organ Transplantation in the United States[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(4):481-485.
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张建萍1, 李聪2, 魏玉辉1, 孙树森3, 武新安1
1.兰州大学第一医院药剂科, 兰州 730000;2.国药东风总医院药学部, 湖北 十堰 442000;3.西新英格兰大学药学与健康科学学院, 马萨诸塞州 斯普林菲尔德 01110-2612
目的 介绍美国器官移植临床药学服务内容和模式,为提升国内器官移植临床药学服务提供参考。方法 通过参观学习美国器官移植中心临床药师的日常工作,总结其服务内容和模式,并分析国内药学服务的不足之处。结果 美国器官移植临床药学服务覆盖供体和受体从术前到术后的全过程,并且同质化和精细化,与国内器官移植临床药学服务尚有较大差异。结论 美国器官移植临床药学服务内容和模式值得学习与借鉴,国内药师应积极拓展服务内容和模式,逐渐提升药学服务。
关键词:  美国  器官移植  临床药学服务内容  临床药学服务模式
A Brief Introduction to the Content and Model of Clinical Pharmaceutical Service for Organ Transplantation in the United States
ZHANG Jianping1, LI Cong2, WEI Yuhui1, SUN Shusen3, WU Xin'an1
1.Department of Pharmacy, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Sinopharm Dongfeng General Hospital, Shiyan 442000, China;3.College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Western New England University, Springfield 01110-2612, United States
OBJECTIVE To introduce the content and model of clinical pharmaceutical service of organ transplantation in the United States and to provide reference for improving it in China. METHODS The content and model of clinical pharmaceutical service were summarized by visiting the daily work of clinical pharmacists in organ transplantation center of the United States, the shortcomings of domestic pharmaceutical service in China were analyzed. RESULTS The whole process of clinical pharmaceutical service for donors and recipients from pre-operation to post-operation was covered in the United States, it was also homogeneous and refined, which was quite different in China. CONCLUSION The content and model of clinical pharmaceutical service in organ transplantation of the United States is worth learning and applying, domestic pharmacists should actively expand the content and model of service, and gradually improved the pharmaceutical service.
Key words:  United States  organ transplantation  content of clinical pharmaceutical service  model of clinical pharmaceutical service