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LIU Haibo,REN Yan,GUO Jianjun,WU Faming.Herbal Textual Research of Aspongopus and Discussion on the Medicinal Value of Its Adulterants[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(4):566-572.
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刘海波1, 任艳1, 郭建军2, 吴发明3
1.西南民族大学药学院, 民族药物研究所, 成都 610041;2.贵州大学昆虫研究所, 贵阳 550025;3.遵义医科大学药学院, 贵州 遵义 563000
历代本草有关九香虫的记载较多,但描述较为简略,且部分混淆品与其形态相似,导致目前九香虫商品品种混乱,需要深入开展九香虫的本草考证。目前九香虫野生资源骤降,人工养殖规模尚未形成,亟待寻找新药源。本文通过查阅历代中医药典籍、炮制规范,结合现代研究,对九香虫的名称、基原、性味归经、主治功效、炮制沿革进行系统的考证,对九香虫混淆品的药用价值进行分析。考证结果表明,古籍中所述九香虫可能是蝽科多种形似昆虫的统称,中国药典2020年版中九香虫Aspongopus chinensis Dallas是历代中药九香虫主要来源物种;九香虫历代药用以壮阳,治疗膈脘滞气为主;同时其炮制方法多样,包括净制、焙、清炒、酒炒,但各省市炮制规范在清炒、酒炒方法上存在较大出入,需进一步规范炮制工艺,确保药材质量。文献记载和药理研究均表明,九香虫部分混淆品功效与其相似,具有成为九香虫新药源的潜力。本文可为九香虫的开发利用与炮制研究提供依据,有利于九香虫混淆品药用研究,提高资源利用度。
关键词:  九香虫  本草考证  炮制沿革  混淆品
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(82160743);国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教函[2019]41 号);四川省科技厅应用基础研究计划(2020YJ0101)
Herbal Textual Research of Aspongopus and Discussion on the Medicinal Value of Its Adulterants
LIU Haibo1, REN Yan1, GUO Jianjun2, WU Faming3
1.College of Pharmacy, National Institute of Materia Medica, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China;2.Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;3.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563000, China
There are many records of Aspongopus in ancient Chinese medicinal books, but the description is relatively simple, and some of the adulterants are similar to its morphology, which leads to the confusion of commercial varieties of Aspongopus, so it is necessary to carry out in-depth textual research on Aspongopus. At present, the wild resources of Aspongopus have plummeted, and the scale of artificial culture has not yet been formed, so it is urgent to find new drug sources. By consulting the ancient books and processing standards of traditional Chinese medicine, and combining with modern research, this paper makes a systematic textual research on the name, origin, nature and flavor, effect and indications and processing evolution of Aspongopus and analyzes the medicinal value of the adulterants of Aspongopus. The textual research results show that Aspongopus mentioned in ancient books might be the general name of many similar insects of Pentatomidae, and Aspongopus chinensis Dallas is the main source species of Aspongopus in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition, and it is mainly used to strengthen Yang and treat epiglottic stagnation of Qi. At the same time, there are a variety of processing methods, including cleansing technology, baking, stir-frying and wine stir-frying, but there are great differences in stir-frying and wine stir-frying methods in different provinces and cities, so it is necessary to further standardize the processing technology to ensure the quality of medicinal materials. Literature records and pharmacological studies show that some of the adulterants have similar efficacy and have the potential to become a new drug source. This paper can provide a basis for the development, utilization and processing of Aspongopus, which is beneficial to the medicinal research of the adulterants of Aspongopus and improve the utilization of resources.
Key words:  Aspongopus  herbal textual research  processing evolution  adulterants