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WEN Jinhua,SUN Wenxiong,CHENG Xiaohua,CAO Duanwen,YU Luyi,LI Pu.Effect of Clarithromycin on Tacrolimus Transport in Caco-2 Cells and Its Mechanism[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(3):329-333.
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温金华, 孙文雄, 程晓华, 曹端文, 余路易, 李蒲
南昌大学第一附属医院临床试验研究中心, 南昌 330006
目的 探讨克拉霉素对Caco-2细胞转运他克莫司的影响及机制。方法 用化学发光免疫分析法测定他克莫司药物浓度;建立Caco-2细胞单层模型,计算表观渗透系数,比较不同浓度他克莫司在Caco-2细胞单层中转运及不同浓度克拉霉素抑制他克莫司的转运。结果 他克莫司浓度为20,40和80 μg·mL-1时吸收渗透系数PappAP-BL分别为(2.47±0.09)×10-6,(3.91±0.17)×10-6和(4.49±0.16)×10-6 cm·s-1;分泌渗透系数PappBL-AP分别为(6.05±0.21)×10-6,(9.86±0.70)×10-6和(11.75±0.28)×10-6 cm·s-1;外流比(apparent permeability ratio,PDR)分别为2.45±0.03,2.52±0.12和2.62±0.11;加入不同浓度的克拉霉素(15,30,60 μg·mL-1)后,分泌渗透系数显著降低,而吸收系数影响不大,PDR随着克拉霉素浓度增加显著降低。结论 Caco-2细胞外排转运体可能参与了他克莫司的转运,克拉霉素合用他克莫司可显著影响他克莫司的吸收。
关键词:  他克莫司  克拉霉素  Caco-2细胞  转运
Effect of Clarithromycin on Tacrolimus Transport in Caco-2 Cells and Its Mechanism
WEN Jinhua, SUN Wenxiong, CHENG Xiaohua, CAO Duanwen, YU Luyi, LI Pu
Department of GCP, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the effect and the mechanism of clarithromycin on the transport of tacrolimus in Caco-2 cells. METHODS The concentration of tacrolimus was determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay. The single layer model of Caco-2 cells was established, the apparent permeability coefficient was calculated, and to compare the transport of tacrolimus in Caco-2 cell monolayer at different concentrations and the inhibition of tacrolimus transport by clarithromycin at different concentrations. RESULTS When tacrolimus concentration was 20, 40 and 80 μg·mL-1, the absorption coefficient PappAP-BL was (2.47±0.09)×10-6, (3.91±0.17)×10-6 and (4.49±0.16)×10-6cm·s-1, respectively, and the secretory coefficient PappBL-AP was (6.05±0.21)×10-6, (9.86±0.70)×10-6and (11.75±0.28)×10-6cm·s-1 respectively; the apparent permeability ratio(PDR) was 2.45±0.03, 2.52±0.12 and 2.62±0.11 respectively. After adding different concentrations of clarithromycin(15, 30, 60 μg·mL-1), the secretory permeability coefficient decreased significantly, but the absorption coefficient was not affected, and the PDR decreased significantly with the increase of clarithromycin concentration. CONCLUSION The extracellular transporters of Caco-2 may be involved in the transport of tacrolimus and the absorption tacrolimus could be apparently affected by combination of clarithromycin.
Key words:  tacrolimus  clarithromycin  Caco-2 cells  transport