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YANG Xi,XU Feilong,XU Shiwei,GUO Yanyang,CHEN Na,RAO Yuefeng.Practice the Medication Specification and Improve the Satisfaction of Pharmaceutical Care[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(7):967-970.
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杨希, 徐飞龙, 徐诗葳, 郭艳阳, 陈娜, 饶跃峰
浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床药学部, 杭州 310003
目的 宣贯《用药交待规范》,运用多种举措优化药学服务,提升医院门诊药房患者满意度。方法 通过开展基于三维多级工作模式的用药交待服务,随机选取2019年11月—2020年12月共400例门诊药房取药患者,以现场问卷及电话回访等方式收集患者对药学服务的满意情况,并根据数据分析结果总结项目成效和改善价值。结果 用药交待新模式实施前后共取得患者有效反馈记录196份和197份,实施用药交待服务后,“药师专业水平”(78.06%至90.36%)、“用药交待形式”(77.55%至88.83%)、“服务礼仪”(78.57%至87.82%)等指标的患者满意度均有显著提升。结论 开展层次化、标准化、多元化的用药交待服务,有利于提升门诊药房患者满意度。
关键词:  用药交待  药学服务  患者满意度  门诊药房
Practice the Medication Specification and Improve the Satisfaction of Pharmaceutical Care
YANG Xi, XU Feilong, XU Shiwei, GUO Yanyang, CHEN Na, RAO Yuefeng
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310003, China
OBJECTIVE To publicize and implement the "medication specification", optimize pharmaceutical care with various measures, and improve the satisfaction of patients in outpatient pharmacy. METHODS Four hundreds outpatients were randomly selected from November 2019 to December 2020 to collect the satisfaction of patients with pharmaceutical care by on-site questionnaire and telephone follow-up, and the project effectiveness and improvement value were summarized according to the results of data analysis. RESULTS One hundred and ninety six and one hundred and ninety seven effective feedback records were obtained before and after the implementation of the new mode. After the implementation of the new mode, the satisfaction rate of patients with "pharmacist professional level"(78.06% to 90.36%), "medication explanation form"(77.55% to 88.83%) and "service etiquette"(78.57% to 87.82%) were significantly improved. CONCLUSION To carry out hierarchical, standardized and diversified medication service is conducive to improve the satisfaction of patients in outpatient pharmacy.
Key words:  medication  pharmaceutical care  patient satisfaction  outpatient pharmacy