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YUE Lin-lin,WANG Bo,LIU Wen-feng.Research on the High Quality Development of Volume-based Drug Procurement from the Perspective of Three Medical Linkage[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2023,40(1):119-125.
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岳林琳1, 王波1, 刘文凤2
1.潍坊医学院管理学院, 山东 潍坊 261053;2.青岛市卫生健康委员会, 山东 青岛 266100
目的 从三医联动的视角分析药品带量采购利益相关者关系,并提出药品带量采购高质量发展的策略。方法 运用文献分析法和利益相关者理论,对药品带量采购的流程、药品带量采购改革的现状和存在的问题、药品带量采购中利益相关者关系进行分析。结果 自2018年开展“4+7”药品带量采购以来,中国药品带量采购政策制定和执行不断完善,效果明显。但也存在因各方主体利益诉求导致药品质量采购质量不高的问题。结论 构建三医联动治理格局有助于推动药品带量采购整体持续高质量发展。
关键词:  三医联动  药品带量采购  高质量发展
Research on the High Quality Development of Volume-based Drug Procurement from the Perspective of Three Medical Linkage
YUE Lin-lin1, WANG Bo1, LIU Wen-feng2
1.School of Management of Weifang Medical College, Weifang 261053, China;2.Qingdao Municipal Health Commission, Qingdao 266100, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze the stakeholder relationship of volume-based drug procurement from the perspective of three medical linkage, and puts forward the strategy of high-quality development of volume-based drug procurement.METHODS This paper mainly used the literature analysis method and stakeholder theory to analyze the process of volume-based drug procurement, the current situation and existing problems of volume-based drug procurement reform, and the stakeholder relationship in volume-based drug procurement.RESULTS Since the “4+7” volume-based drug procurement in 2018, the formulation and implementation of China's volume-based drug procurement policy had been continuously improved with obvious results. However, there was also a problem that the quality of drug procurement was not high due to the unbalanced interest demands of all parties.CONCLUSION The construction of the governance pattern of three medical linkage will help to promote the overall sustainable and high-quality development of volume-based drug procurement.
Key words:  three medical linkage  volume-based drug procurement  high quality development