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WU Wei-kui,YAN Qian-ru,SONG Wei.Detection Methods of β2 Agonists Higenamine, Doping in Sport in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Adverse Analytical Finding Prevention Strategy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2023,40(1):133-138.
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邬伟魁1, 严倩茹1, 宋伟2
1.梅州市食品药品监督检验所, 广东 梅州 514000;2.武汉大学人民医院药学部, 武汉 430060
去甲乌药碱(higenamine,HG)具有多种生物活性,广泛存在于药用植物中,具有较高的医用价值。由于HG具有β2受体激动作用,近年世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-doping Agency,WADA)将其列为禁用物质。目前,含HG中药及其检测方法研究缺乏系统的归纳总结。本文对中药中运动员禁用兴奋剂HG的检测方法进行系统分析,旨在为中药中HG的检测及误用风险防控提供参考,为含兴奋剂中药科学监管提供新思路。
关键词:  中药  去甲乌药碱  检测  兴奋剂  β2激动剂  阳性检测结果
Detection Methods of β2 Agonists Higenamine, Doping in Sport in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Adverse Analytical Finding Prevention Strategy
WU Wei-kui1, YAN Qian-ru1, SONG Wei2
1.Meizhou Institute for Food and Drug Control, Meizhou 514000, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
Higenamine(HG) is a bioactive substance, which widely exists in medicinal plants, has high medical values.However, HG is banned by the World Anti-doping Agency(WADA) because of the β2 agonistic activity. At present, the research on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) containing HG and related detection methods has not been systematically summarized.This paper summarized the detection methods of HG, doping in sport in TCM, hoping to provide a reference for the detection and misuse risk control of HG in TCM, and provide a new idea about the scientific supervision of TCM containing doping.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine  higenamine  testing  doping  β2 agonists  adverse analytical finding