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ZHENG Jian,HUANG Zhixiang,QIAN Wenwen,XU Xiangcai,SHEN Lixin.Research on Innovation Efficiency in Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Industry from the Perspective of Innovation Ecosystem[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(20):2645-2651.
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郑建, 黄芝香, 钱文文, 徐向彩, 沈黎新
浙江省医疗器械检验研究院, 杭州 310018
目的 基于创新生态系统视角,研究浙江省医药产业创新资源配置效率和协同创新能力,分析存在的问题,为浙江省医药产业创新生态系统优化提升提供对策建议。方法 选取2010—2019年浙江医药产业相关数据为样本,利用数据包络分析法研究医药产业创新效率,利用社会网络分析法分析浙江省具有代表性的企业、医疗机构、高校以及科研院所等创新主体间联系紧密度,以研究医药产业创新生态系统要素的协同作用发挥情况。结果 浙江省医药产业创新效率呈高技术低规模水平,创新耦合协调度低、高端创新产品偏少的“一高两低一少”特征,创新效率和协同效应有待提升。建议 各创新主体应聚焦医药产业短板,围绕产业链、技术链、政策链等持续发力,协同创新,构建医药产业发展良好创新生态系统。
关键词:  医药产业  创新效率  协同创新网络  创新生态系统
Research on Innovation Efficiency in Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Industry from the Perspective of Innovation Ecosystem
ZHENG Jian, HUANG Zhixiang, QIAN Wenwen, XU Xiangcai, SHEN Lixin
Zhejiang Institute of Medical Device Supervision and Testing, Hangzhou 310018, China
OBJECTIVE To study the allocation efficiency and collaborative innovation ability of pharmaceutical industry from the perspective of innovation ecosystem, analyzes the existing problems, and provide suggestions for optimizing the path of pharmaceutical industry innovation ecosystem in Zhejiang Province.METHODS The data envelopment analysis and social network analysis were combined to study the innovation development process of the pharmaceutical industry in Zhejiang Province.RESULTS The innovation efficiency of pharmaceutical industry in Zhejiang province was characterized by high technology, low scale, low innovation coupling and less high-end innovative products, and innovation efficiency and synergistic effect should to be improved.CONCLUSION Relevant departments should pay attention to the problems existing in the pharmaceutical industry, continue to make efforts around the industrial chain, technology chain and policy chain, and build a favourable pharmaceutical industry ecosystem.
Key words:  pharmaceutical industry  innovation efficiency  collaborative innovation network  innovation ecosystem