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YAN Yingying,SONG Zaiwei,YANG Li,ZHAO Rongsheng.Current Status of Building Intelligent Pharmacy in China: A Cross-sectional Study[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(21):2744-2750.
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闫盈盈, 宋再伟, 杨丽, 赵荣生
北京大学第三医院药剂科, 北京 100191
目的 调研中国医院药房信息化及智能装备现状,为智慧药房建设提供参考。方法 采用横断面调查研究法,通过问卷调研,了解中国医院智慧药房建设现状。按照地域、医院等级和医院类型,比较智慧药房建设差异。采用STATA 14.0和SPSS 26进行统计分析。结果 共计纳入199家医院,覆盖中国30个省市自治区,其中三级医院156家(78.39%),东部区域医院90家(45.23%),中部23家(11.56%),西部86家(42.22%)。127家(63.82%)医院开展了智慧药房建设,以三级医院为主(124家,97.64%),非三级医院仅有3家(2.36%)开展。在药库、门诊药房、住院/中心药房、静脉药物配置中心、手术/麻醉药房等调剂部门开展智慧化建设的医院数量及占比分别为107家(53.77%)、123家(61.80%)、127家(63.82%)、103家(51.76%)、94家(43.24%)。各调剂部门不同装备覆盖差异率大,不同调剂部门全流程覆盖率在5.03%~13.57%。不同地域智慧化药房建设差异大,东、中部显著高于西部。综合医院和专科医院在门诊药房、住院/中心药房和静脉药物配置中心建设方面优于中医院。结论 中国医院智慧药房建设整体发展态势良好,六成医院配备了信息化与自动化装备,四成医院在主要调剂部门均配备了智慧体系。但仍存在全流程覆盖率不高、地域发展不平衡、不同级别医院发展不平衡、不同调剂部门发展不平衡的问题。未来发展仍需补足短板、明晰定义,充分基于先进药事管理理念,多层次多角度快速推进智慧药房建设。
关键词:  智慧药房  横断面研究  发展现状
Current Status of Building Intelligent Pharmacy in China: A Cross-sectional Study
YAN Yingying, SONG Zaiwei, YANG Li, ZHAO Rongsheng
Department of Pharmacy, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the current status of hospital pharmacy automation and intelligent technology, and to provide references for the development of intelligent pharmacy in China. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted and questionares were collected by convenience sampling to understand the current status of building intelligent pharmacy in China. Hospitals were separated into different areas, levels and types, and the disparities in intelligent pharmacy construction were studied. For the statistical analysis, STATA 14.0 and SPSS 26 were used. RESULTS A total of 199 hospitals were included covering 30 provinces in China. There were 156(78.39%) tertiary hospitals; 90(45.23%) hospitals in the eastern area, 23(11.56%) in the central area, and 86(42.22%) in the western area. There were 127(63.82%) hospitals carried out the construction of smart pharmacies, while mostly were tertiary hospitals(124, 97.64%), and only 3(2.36%) hospitals were non-tertiary hospitals. The percentages of intelligent equipment coverage in drug storehouse, outpatient pharmacy, inpatient pharmacy, pharmacy intravenous admixture services, and surgical pharmacy were 107(53.77%), 123(61.80%), 127(63.82%), and 103(51.76%) and 94(43.24%), respectively. There was a difference in the coverage rate of equipment in each pharmacy which the whole process coverage rate was 5.03%-13.57%. The construction of intelligent pharmacy varies greatly in different angles, including that the east and central regions were significantly higher than those in the west, general hospitals and specialized hospitals were significantly better than traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in outpatient pharmacy, inpatient pharmacy and pharmacy intravenous admixture services. CONCLUSION The overall trend of intelligent pharmacy development in China is good. Sixty percent hospitals are equipped with intelligent equipment and forty percent hospitals are equipped in all main pharmacy. However, there are problems such as poor coverage of the whole process, unbalanced regional development, unbalanced development of hospitals at different levels and unbalanced development of different pharmacy. There are many needs to fill the gaps, clarify the definitions of intelligent pharmacy, and rapidly promote the construction of intelligent pharmacy that use multi-level angles and the concept of pharmacy management in the future.
Key words:  intelligent pharmacy  cross-sectional study  current status