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WANG Zhiwang,DU Yue,LI Jiyang,XI Jianhong,LIANG Keke,HUANG Keting,ZHAO Yue.Research Progress of cAMP/Epac Signaling Pathway Regulating Chronic Cough and Interventive Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2023,40(19):2738-2744.
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王志旺, 杜玥, 李济阳, 席建宏, 梁可克, 黄柯婷, 赵跃
甘肃中医药大学药学院, 兰州 730000
慢性咳嗽属于临床疑难杂症,气道炎症、咳嗽神经通路敏感性增强以及炎性疼痛是其主要病理学基础。环磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)/cAMP直接激活的交换蛋白分子(exchange protein activated by cAMP,Epac)信号通路广泛参与气道炎症(特别是气道神经源性炎症)、咳嗽神经兴奋性以及炎性疼痛等生理病理过程。本文就近年来cAMP/Epac信号通路调控气道炎症、咳嗽通路增敏、炎性疼痛而影响慢性咳嗽以及中药干预作用研究进行综述,为研究慢性咳嗽以及镇咳药的开发应用提供理论基础。
关键词:  慢性咳嗽  cAMP/Epac信号通路  气道炎症  咳嗽通路敏感性  炎性疼痛  中药
Research Progress of cAMP/Epac Signaling Pathway Regulating Chronic Cough and Interventive Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine
WANG Zhiwang, DU Yue, LI Jiyang, XI Jianhong, LIANG Keke, HUANG Keting, ZHAO Yue
School of Pharmacy, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China
Chronic cough is a common respiratory disease, which is recurrent and lingering. Chronic airway inflammation, increased sensitivity of cough nerve pathway and inflammatory pain are the main pathologic basis. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP)/exchange protein activated by cAMP(Epac) signal network takes part in airway inflammation(especially airway neurogenic inflammation), increased sensitivity of cough nerve and inflammatory pain. In this paper, the regulation of airway inflammation, sensitivity of cough pathway and inflammatory pain by cAMP/Epac signaling pathway and intervention effect of traditional Chinese medicine in recent years were reviewed, which provided a theoretical basis for the research of clinical treatment of chronic cough and the development of cough medicine.
Key words:  chronic cough  cAMP/Epac signaling pathway  airway inflammation  sensitivity of cough pathway  inflammatory pain  traditional Chinese medicine