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LIANG Cuilyu,ZHANG Yin,CHEN Wenfa.Progress of Clinical Research on the Drug Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(8):1012-1020.
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梁翠绿1,2, 张吟1, 陈文发1
1.福建医科大学附属第二医院药学部临床药学室, 福建 泉州 362000;2.福建医科大学药学院, 福州 350000
化疗致周围神经病变(chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy,CIPN)是临床常见剂量限制性不良反应,目前尚未得到妥善解决。已有各种药物针对此不良反应进行了大量的临床研究,但大多数结果都不理想或相互冲突。究其原因,除了药物本身疗效之外,没有一个标准化的评估工具成为试验成功的主要限制。本文通过CIPN症状入手对临床上广泛应用的CIPN评估工具进行阐述和评价,对临床研究CIPN预防和治疗获益的各类药物进行综述,并依据循证证据提出相应的建议。
关键词:  化疗致周围神经病变  评估工具  临床研究
Progress of Clinical Research on the Drug Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
LIANG Cuilyu1,2, ZHANG Yin1, CHEN Wenfa1
1.Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Fujian Medical University Affiliated Second, Hospital, Quanzhou 362000, China;2.College of Pharmacy, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350000, China
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy(CIPN) is a common clinical dose-limiting adverse drug reaction, which has not been properly resolved. Numerous clinical studies have been conducted on the toxicity with a variety of drugs, but most of the results have been unsatisfactory or conflicting. There are many reasons for that, in addition to the efficacy of the drug itself, the lack of a standardized evaluation tool has been a major limitation to trial success. This article starts with the symptom characteristics of CIPN, then the CIPN assessment tools widely used in clinical practice are described and evaluated, finally comprehensive reviews the kinds of drugs that benefit from prevention and treatment of CIPN in clinical research, and gives corresponding recommendations based on the evidences.
Key words:  chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN)  assessment tools  clinical research