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XU Gaoqi,YANG Dihong,XIN Wenxiu,DING Haiying,ZHU Junfeng,ZHONG Like,HE Chaoneng,FANG Luo.Research Progress of Pharmacokinetics Studies of Anti-tumor Drugs in Patients with Third Space Fluid[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2023,40(12):1596-1602.
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许高奇, 杨迪虹, 辛文秀, 丁海樱, 朱俊峰, 钟里科, 何超能, 方罗
浙江省肿瘤医院, 中国科学院杭州医学研究所, 杭州 310022
第三间隙积液(third space fluid,TSF)是晚期恶性肿瘤常见的并发症之一,主要包括恶性胸腔积液、恶性腹腔积液等。TSF是影响抗肿瘤药物药动学(pharmacokinetics,PK)的潜在因素。药物可经体循环分布于TSF,对TSF产生治疗作用;可能导致血药浓度减少,或可降低全身抗肿瘤疗效;若在TSF中蓄积则可能引发毒性反应。本文综述抗肿瘤药物在恶性肿瘤伴TSF患者中的PK研究进展,总结药物在血液和TSF中的PK特征,以期为患者安全、有效地应用抗肿瘤药物提供参考。
关键词:  抗肿瘤药物  第三间隙积液  药动学
Research Progress of Pharmacokinetics Studies of Anti-tumor Drugs in Patients with Third Space Fluid
XU Gaoqi, YANG Dihong, XIN Wenxiu, DING Haiying, ZHU Junfeng, ZHONG Like, HE Chaoneng, FANG Luo
Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou Institute of Medicine(HIM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou 310022, China
Third space fluid(TSF) is a common complication of advanced malignancies, including malignant pleural effusion, malignant ascites, intracranial effusion, and pelvic effusion, etc. The pharmacokinetics(PK) of anti-tumor drugs in vivo are influenced by various factors, and TSF is one of the potential factors that contributes to PK variations, which may consequently affect the efficacy and safety of anti-tumor drugs. This paper aimed to comprehensively investigate PK studies related to anti-tumor drugs in patients with malignant tumors accompanied by TSF. The paper summarized the PK characteristics of common cytotoxic drugs, small molecule targeted drugs, and monoclonal antibodies in both blood and TSF.
Key words:  anti-tumor drugs  third space fluid  pharmacokinetics