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引用本文:段丽婷,周连丽,雷娟红,程教丽,张 范,杨兴鑫,郝俊杰,俞捷.牛磺酸抗脂质代谢紊乱研究进展及其研究概况[J].中国现代应用药学,2025,42(3):141-150.
DuanLiting,Zhou Lianli,Lei Juanhong,Chen Jiaoli,ZhangFan,Yang Xingxin,Hao Junjie,Yu Jie.Research progress and research overview of taurine against lipid metabolism disorder[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2025,42(3):141-150.
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段丽婷1, 周连丽1, 雷娟红1, 程教丽2, 张 范1, 杨兴鑫1, 郝俊杰1, 俞捷1
关键词:  牛磺酸  衍生物  脂质代谢  作用机制
Research progress and research overview of taurine against lipid metabolism disorder
DuanLiting1, Zhou Lianli1, Lei Juanhong1, Chen Jiaoli2, ZhangFan1, Yang Xingxin1, Hao Junjie1, Yu Jie1
1.Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine;2.Science and Technology Achievement Incubation Center of Kunming Medical University
Taurine is an abundant free amino acid in the body. It has many physiological functions and plays an important role in regulating lipid metabolism. Taurine can promote the biotransformation of cholesterol to bile acids and produce taurine-conjugated bile acids with bile acids. It can reduce liver fat accumulation and significantly improve obesity. This paper summarizes the pharmacological effects, clinical application and analysis methods of taurine and its derivatives, especially the mechanism of its effect on lipid metabolism, and reviews the related research on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine and its compound on lipid metabolism disorder by regulating taurine and hypotaurine metabolic pathways. Taurine has a very good application prospect in regulating lipid metabolism disorders. Taurine and hypotaurine metabolic pathways are important pathways for the regulation of lipid metabolism disorders. This review provides a theoretical basis for the in-depth study and clinical application of taurine and provides a reference for the development of related drugs and health products
Key words:  taurine  derivative  lipid metabolism  mechanism of action