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FEIWEN,PanJie.Co-designing of inpatient pharmacy performance management system based on “KSF and KPI” method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(11):86-93.
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费雯, 潘杰
摘要: 目的 建立住院药房药师岗位绩效指标评价体系,激励并引导药师实现自我职业成长与自身价值的重塑。方法 依据江苏省省级临床重点专科建设评价标准,采用关键成功因素分析法(Key Success Factors,KSF)进行部门学科建设关键指标设定,部门日常工作采用关键绩效指标法(Key Process Indication,KPI)进行考核指标的设置,基于KSF与KPI的结合共创住院药房绩效管理体系,并以员工与临床满意度、病区投诉、差错发生率、调配效率、科研产出指标进行绩效管理体系实施后的效果评价。结果 “KSF+KPI”绩效体系构建并实施前后,员工平均满意度由57.75%提升至77.81%(P<0.05);病区投诉由26.33±6.75件/月下降至7.17±3.61件/月,差错发生件数由30.33±5.50件/月下降至12.58±2.75件/月,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);临床总体满意度达到81.13%;PIVAS药品调配效率平均提升17%;文章撰写、录用、项目申报及员工科研参与度等创新性工作指标较绩效体系实施前显著提升。结论 基于“KSF+KPI”方法建立的住院药房绩效管理体系为药学部调剂部门的转型发展提供了很好的绩效考评方案,在医院药师自我激励及职业发展、调剂部门高效运营、临床服务水平提升与药学学科发展方面做了积极的探索,并取得了良好的效果。
关键词:  KSF  KPI  绩效管理  住院药房
Co-designing of inpatient pharmacy performance management system based on “KSF and KPI” method
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To establish a performance index evaluation system for pharmacists in inpatient pharmacy to encourage and guide pharmacists to achieve self-professional growth and reshape their own values. METHODS According to the evaluation criteria for the construction of provincial-level clinical specialties in Jiangsu Province, the key success factors (KSF) method was used to set the key indicators for the discipline construction of the Department, and the key process indicator (KPI) method was used for the daily work of the Department. Based on the combination of KSF and KPI,an inpatient pharmacy performance management system was established, employee and clinical satisfaction, ward complaints, error occurrence rate, PIVAS work efficiency, and scientific research output are taken as indicators to evaluate the effect after the implementation of the performance management system. RESULTS Before and after the construction and implementation of the "KSF + KPI" performance system, The average employee satisfaction has increased from 57.75% to 77.81%(P<0.05), the number of complaints in the ward has decreased from 26.33 ± 6.75 per month to 7.17 ± 3.61 per month, and the number of errors has decreased from 30.33 ± 5.50 per month to 12.58 ± 2.75 per month, The differences were statistically significant (P<0.05),Overall clinical satisfaction reached 81.13%; The PIVAS blending efficiency has been improved to a certain extent, with an average increase of 17%; Innovation related indicators such as article writing, recruitment, project application, and employee research participation have significantly improved after implementation of the indicator performance system. CONCLUSION The inpatient pharmacy performance management system established based on “KSF and KPI” provides a good performance evaluation scheme for the transformation and development of the dispensing Department of the pharmaceutical department. It has made positive exploration in the aspects of self-motivation and professional development of hospital pharmacists, high-efficiency operation, improvement of clinical service level and development of pharmaceutical discipline, and has achieved good results.
Key words:  KSF  KPI  performance management  inpatient pharmacy