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CHEN TING,DU WENTING.Exploration of the Management and Evaluation Mechanism for Undergraduate Thesis in Pharmacy based on the Training Characteristics of Applied Talents in Drug Research and Development Technology Services[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(17):64-69.
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陈婷, 杜文婷
目的 本科毕业论文是检验高校本科教学水平和人才培养质量的重要指标,教育部日益加强对本科毕业论文抽检,引导我们规范和加强毕业论文环节管理。结合杭州医学院药学专业的新药研发技术服务型人才培养特色,药学院对药学专业本科毕业论文管理评价机制进行探索,以保证毕业论文质量,体现人才培养特色。方法 杭州医学院药学院从“建立完善的质量保障体系”、“实施过程性规范化管理模式”和“规范成绩评定系统”三个方面对药学专业本科毕业论文有效管理、开展过程性评价机制进行了四年多的探索与实践。其中建立完善的质量保障体系包括制订多项管理制度和成立三级督导小组;实施过程性规范化管理模式,从毕业论文的选题、开展至整顿阶段全过程覆盖;规范成绩评定系统包括查重检测、导师评阅、交叉评阅和论文答辩几个环节。这三方面的开展过程均体现本专业的新药研发技术服务型人才培养特色。结果 通过以新药研发技术服务型人才为培养特色的药学专业本科毕业论文管理评价机制探索,学生的毕业论文质量得到提升,省内抽检全部通过;学生新药研发技术服务能力得到提升,并取得阶段性成果。结论 杭医药学专业本科毕业论文管理评价机制把好新药研发技术服务型人才培养的最后一道关,保证杭医药学专业人才特色培养落地。毕业论文训练让学生们将三年所学尽数应用于实践,锻炼文献检索并追踪前沿的能力、独立分析解决复杂问题的能力、撰写科研论文的能力,从实践中培养了学生新药研发技术服务的思维方式,为学生进一步新药研发深造或从事相关工作打下扎实的基础。
关键词:  本科毕业论文  新药研发技术服务  质量保障体系  过程性管理  成绩评定系统
分类号:G642.477 ?????
基金项目:浙江省普通本科高校“十四五”教学改革项目( jg20220658)
Exploration of the Management and Evaluation Mechanism for Undergraduate Thesis in Pharmacy based on the Training Characteristics of Applied Talents in Drug Research and Development Technology Services
Zhejiang Medical College
OBJECTIVE Undergraduate thesis is an important indicator for testing the level of undergraduate teaching and the quality of talent cultivation in universities. The Ministry of Education is increasingly strengthening the sampling of undergraduate thesis, guiding us to standardize and strengthen the management of the graduation thesis process. Based on the characteristics of cultivating service-oriented talents in new drug research and development technology in the pharmacy major of Hangzhou Medical College, the college explores the management and evaluation mechanism for undergraduate graduation theses in pharmacy to ensure the quality of graduation theses and reflect the characteristics of talent cultivation. METHODS The Hangzhou Medical College has conducted more than four years of exploration and practice on the effective management of undergraduate theses in the field of pharmacy, as well as the implementation of a process evaluation mechanism, from three aspects: “establishing a sound quality assurance system”, “implementing a process standardized management model”, and “standardized score evaluation system”. The establishment of a sound quality assurance system includes the formulation of multiple management systems and the establishment of a three-level supervision group; implement a process oriented standardized management model, covering the entire process from topic selection, implementation to rectification of the graduation thesis; the standardized score evaluation system includes several stages, including plagiarism detection, mentor review, cross review, and thesis defense. The development process of these three aspects reflects the characteristics of cultivating service-oriented talents in the field of new drug research and development technology. RESULTS Through the exploration of a management and evaluation mechanism for undergraduate theses in pharmacy with a focus on cultivating service-oriented talents in new drug research and development technology, the quality of students’ theses has been improved, and all provincial inspections have passed; the technical service capabilities of student new drug research and development have been improved, and phased achievements have been made. CONCLUSION The management and evaluation mechanism for undergraduate theses in Hangzhou Medical College focuses on the final step of cultivating service-oriented talents in new drug research and development technology, ensuring the implementation of distinctive talent cultivation. The graduation thesis training allows students to apply all their three-year knowledge to practice, exercise their ability to search for literature and track the forefront, independently analyze and solve complex problems, and write scientific research papers. Through practice, it cultivates students’ thinking mode of new drug research and development technology services, laying a solid foundation for further education or related work in new drug research and development.
Key words:  undergraduate thesis  new drug research and development technology services  quality assurance system  process management  performance evaluation system