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CAIRANG Nanjia,ZHAN Dui.Research on Herbal Verification of Jiazhu[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(6):839-846.
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才让南加, 占堆
西藏藏医药大学, 拉萨 850000
通过查阅相关藏医经典记载,对藏医药中入药加珠的异名、基原、药用部位及加工炮制进行考证。经考证可知,《藏多医学札记》始载加珠,常出现的异名为曼珠。现代以来,加珠出现了8种基原,大都与典籍记载未考证、地方习用、药材市场影响混杂等相关。依据藏医经典中加珠的记载特征及实地调研、群众咨询后已发现加珠是西藏腹地特有的蛇类物种,并且是全世界唯一能生活在海拔>4000 m的蛇类——温泉蛇。药用部位的变化是由眼睛转变为头部及头尾齐全的全身入药;加工炮制方式由多样性转变为规范性,以现通用的2006年原西藏自治区食品药品监督管理局编写的《藏药材炮制规范》为准。
关键词:  藏药  加珠  本草考证  基原  药用部位  加工炮制
Research on Herbal Verification of Jiazhu
University of Tibetan Medicine, Lhasa 850000, China
By referring to the relevant records of Tibetan medical classics, conducts textual research on the synonym, origin, medicinal parts and processing of Jiazhu in the famous prescriptions of Tibetan medical classics. After research, it can be seen that Zangduo Medical Notes began to contain Jiazhu, and the alias that often appeared was Manzhu. Since modern times, the origin of Jiazhu has appeared in a variety of ways, most of which are related to the lack of textual research in the records of the classics, the local usage, and the mixed influence of the traditional Chinese medicine market. According to the characteristics recorded in the classics of Tibetan medicine, field research, and public consultation, it has been found that Jiazhu is a snake species unique to the hinterland of Tibet, and is the only hot spring snake in the world that can live above 4 000 meters above sea level. It has been found that the medicinal parts have changed from the eyes to the head, even the whole body can be used as medicine; the processing methods have been changed from diversity to standardization, and the current standard is the Regulations for the Processing of Tibetan Medicinal Materials compiled by the Food and Drug Administration of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 2006.
Key words:  Tibetan medicine  Jiazhu  herbal textual research  origin  medicinal parts  processing