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.one case of erythema multiforme induced by etimicin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(9):1105-1106.
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刘敏1, 袁丹2
1.天津市第五中心医院药剂科, 天津 300450;2.沈阳积水潭医院药剂科, 沈阳 110000
1例60岁男性患者,因“腹痛腹泻2日”来院肠道门诊就诊,临床诊断为腹痛待查,急性胃肠炎。患者既往体健,否认食物过敏史。入院查体:T 37.5℃,HR 96bpm,R 18bpm,BP 125/80 mmHg。门诊予以依替米星注射液(0.3g,qd,ivgtt)抗感染治疗。用药当天下午患者发现左前臂弥漫性风团、红斑,无痛痒,未予处理,次日晨起面积变大,下午再次来院就诊,诊断为多形性红斑,给予对症治疗后恢复。该患者未同时使用其他药物,其皮肤病变主要考虑由依替米星引起。
关键词:  依替米星  多形性红斑  药品不良反应
one case of erythema multiforme induced by etimicin
One 60-year-old male patient came to the intestinal clinic for "abdominal pain and diarrhea for 2 days" . The clinical diagnosis was abdominal pain and acute gastroenteritis. The patient was previously healthy and denied a history of food allergies. Admission examination: T 37.5 °C, HR 96 bpm, R 18 bpm, BP 125 / 80 mmHg. The patients were treated with etimicin injection (0.3 g, qd, Ivgtt) . On the afternoon of the day of medication, the patient found a diffuse left forearm wind mass, Erythema, painless itching, not to be treated, the next morning the area became larger, in the afternoon came to the hospital again, diagnosed as Erythema multiforme, after giving symptomatic treatment recovery. Etimicin was the main cause of skin lesions in this patient, who was not taking any other drugs.
Key words:  Etimicin,Erythema multiforme,Adverse drug reaction