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LIN Yijie,ZHU Hong,LIU Sai,CHEN Xubo,TONG Yingpeng,CHENG Kejun.Analysis on Characteristics and research Status of She medicine from compositae plants[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(19):2463-2467.
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林怡洁1, 朱虹1, 刘赛1, 陈旭波2, 童应鹏1, 程科军3
1.台州学院生命科学学院/天然产物与健康产品研究所, 浙江 台州 318000;2.丽水学院生态学院, 浙江 丽水 323000;3.丽水市农林科学研究院, 浙江 丽水 323000
目的 分析基原植物是菊科植物的畲药(以下简称“菊科畲药”)品种特点和研究现状,为菊科畲药的深度研究开发提供参考依据。方法 通过对《中国民族药辞典》中菊科畲药的系统整理和相关文献检索,从药用部位、多民族交叉使用情况、传统功效、化学成分和药理活性研究进展、质量控制标准等多个角度,系统梳理了菊科畲药的品种特点和研究现状。结果 菊科畲药是数量最多的一类畲药品种,其药用部位主要是全草类,与土家药的交叉使用最多,主要用于治疗皮肤瘙痒、疮疖、疔疖和烂脚等皮肤性疾病和外感性疾病,但是菊科畲药还存在基原植物不明确、化学成分和药理活性研究薄弱、质量控制标准水平较低等问题。结论 菊科畲药具有较高的临床应用价值,但是其研究水平还是相对较低,后期还需进一步加强基原植物的品种整理、药效物质基础的分析以及体现畲药特点的质量控制标准构建等工作。
关键词:  菊科  畲药  特点  研究现状
Analysis on Characteristics and research Status of She medicine from compositae plants
LIN Yijie1, ZHU Hong1, LIU Sai1, CHEN Xubo2, TONG Yingpeng1, CHENG Kejun3
1.Institute of Natural Medicine and Health Product, school of Life science, Taizhou University, Taizhou 318000, China;2.College of Ecology, Lishui University, Lishui 323000, China;3.Lishui Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To provide a reference for the in-depth research and development of She medicine from compositae plants(hereinafter referred to as "compositae She medicine") by analyze its variety characteristics and research status. METHODS Through systematic review of Dictionary of Chinese Ethnic Medicine and related literature retrieval, the variety characteristics and research status of compositae She medicine were systematically combed from the perspectives of medicinal parts, multi-ethnic cross use, traditional efficacy, research progress of chemical composition and pharmacological activity, quality control standards, etc. RESULTS Compositae She medicine was the most numerous She medicine category, which mainly used whole herbs as medicinal parts and had the most cross-use with Tujia medicine. It was mainly used to treat skin diseases(such as skin pruritus, sore boils, malignant boil, rotten feet, etc.) and exogenous diseases. However, there were still remain some problems in compositae She medicine development, such as botanical origin ambiguity, insufficient studies on chemical composition and pharmacological activity and low-level standards of quality control. CONCLUSION Compositae She medicine has high clinical application value, whereas its research level is still relatively low. In future, the variety arrangement of botanical origin, analysis of therapeutic material basis, and construction of quality control standards reflecting the characteristics of She medicine should be further strengthened.
Key words:  compositae plants  She medicine  characteristics  research status